dictionnaire Anglais - Anglais

English - English

need Anglais:

1. call for call for

call for equality
I'll call for you tomorrow
The problem is when we begin to feel fear and anxiety in situations that don't call for it.
Big problems call for big solutions.
Nobody should call for violence.
I left my umbrella in your house, can I call for it this evening? You have to pack tonight. Tomorrow I’ll call for you at 7 a.m. sharp.

Anglais mot "need"(call for) se produit dans des ensembles:

be break bring call carry
phrasal verbs vol123

2. require require

A well-made cup of coffee should require no cream or sugar.
It requires time.
Elizabeth promised to build a device that would perform all of the tests required with great speed and accuracy using a single drop of blood.
To understand this; and then make a conscious decision that you will do it differently requires a lot of maturity.
1. Other actions will require additional help. / 2. That doesn't require very much imagination.
They have imitated his style in all areas except those that require special skill.
Chinese food was served in small portions which did not require cutting with a knife or fork.
The international situation had become so tense, it would require proficient diplomats to handle it with kid gloves.
The art of modern warfare does not necessarily require soldiers to be armed to the teeth to be effective as combatants.
Some illnesses require daily medication to stay alive. The three most basic needs that are required to stay alive, are food, water and shelter.
it wastes the buyer's time and may require an adjusting credit note to be issued
I think this company requires some big changes. (Uważam, że ta firma wymaga dużych zmian.) You require more money than any other kid in Japan. (Potrzebujesz więcej pieniędzy, niż niejedno dziecko w Japonii.
Training to be a doctor requires a lot of hard work. [+ that] A recent law requires that all programmes are censored.
As far as I'm concerned, laws that require drivers to wear seatbelts are paternalistic.

Anglais mot "need"(require) se produit dans des ensembles:

Formal vs. Informal

3. for for

Is this for me?
This book is for students whose native language is not Japanese.
The bricklayer calculated that he would need 500 bricks for the wall.
The people next door were annoyed with us for making so much noise last night.
Why do you insist on paying for your school expenses yourself, when your parents are willing to give you financial support?
He attended the high school for three years without missing a single day or being late.
Even though I have studied English at school for the past six years, I'm still not good at speaking it.
The market for luxury goods is growing fast.
For all his wealth, he was still unhappy.
I will do that work on condition that I get paid for it.
Almost everyone in the class voted in favor of having a thank-you party for the teachers.
How about going for a drive to Lake Yamanaka with us tomorrow?
The two men understood one another perfectly, and had a mutual respect for each other's strong qualities.
After spending three weeks looking for a job, he found a well-paid one.
Your boyfriend got tired of waiting for you and left just now.

4. desperately

He's desperately trying to make up for the delay.
Tom wanted desperately to believe what Mary said was true.
She desperately wants to be loved.
A noob once met Betty and while desperately trying hard not to get killed, ended up killing himself.

Anglais mot "need"(desperately) se produit dans des ensembles:

Headway nigga

5. necessity

His family circumstances were such that he became a teacher out of necessity.
Processwork becomes a necessity.
What harm would it do, if a man told a good strong lie for the sake of the good and for the Christian church … a lie out of necessity, a useful lie, a helpful lie, such lies would not be against God, he would accept them.
The necessity of education came home to me.
I went via Beijing of necessity because there wasn't a direct flight.
In the United States the automobile is a necessity and not a luxury.
Over seven years ago, the United States pursued al Qaeda and the Taliban with broad international support. We did not go by choice, we went because of necessity.
In order to make use of the nursing services covered by long-term care insurance, an authorization form indicating their necessity must be filled out.
Regional flights are an economic and social necessity.
The report outlines the necessity of reducing bureaucracy in the two fields.
Helmets are a basic necessity for riders on motorbikes and people doing dangerous sports like snowboarding.
About 50 percent of the firms in Japan have acknowledged the necessity of giving their workers longer holidays, and think summer holidays are needed to give their workers both mental and physical refreshment.
Man cannot be free if he does not know that he is subject to necessity, because his freedom is always won in his never wholly successful attempts to liberate himself from necessity.
Necessity knows no law.

6. infinitive

An infinitive without a 'to' attached is called a bare infinitive.
Some verbs in English can be followed by either an infinitive or the -ing form

Anglais mot "need"(infinitive) se produit dans des ensembles:

gerund and infinitive

7. doing

I'm doing fine.
I considered doing something like blocking edits based on a blacklist.
For the moment there's nothing in particular I need to be doing.
Rather than doing any good, the rain did a great deal of harm to the crop.
He writes a daily journal, and that inspired me to try doing the same thing, but in English.
Politicians in Japan sometimes get away with doing illegal things.
When we started out designing web pages, we were the only ones doing it in this part of the country.
They keep up their spirits by doing aerobics.
If we knew what we were doing, it wouldn't be called research, would it?
Not doing one's work properly may be worse than not doing it at all.
The work I'm doing now requires originality.
They knew that doing their work cheerfully is the only way to make routine work bearable.
Tom isn't your average guy. He doesn't like things most guys like and he doesn't like to do things most men enjoy doing.
I thought doing this would be easy, but we've been working all day and we're still not finished.
He's supposed to be living in Nagano. What's he doing at Tokyo station?

8. in

I live in Warsaw.
Half a million children still face malnutrition in Niger.
Back in high school, I got up at 6 a.m. every morning.
Poverty does more to bring out the worst in people and conceal the best than anything else in the world.
Kissing one's spouse in public is considered acceptable behavior in some countries.
In the United States, it takes a minimum of eight years of college to become a medical doctor.
Water, in its natural state, is a fluid.
An estimated 20% of the water used by homeowners in cities is used for their grass.
What you spend time doing in your childhood affects the rest of your life.
The inland taipan, a snake found in Australia, is the most venomous snake in the world.
In North America, business operates on "the customer is always right" principle.
I'm the type who gets nervous in front of people, so I'm bad at speech making.
Please make your reservation one week in advance.
If I should be suddenly spoken to in English, I might run away.
The Democrats haven't decided on their candidates yet, but in any case they're sure to lose.

9. when you feel that something is necessary for you

Anglais mot "need"(when you feel that something is necessary for you) se produit dans des ensembles:

Most common verbs 1 - 50

10. need to play

11. demand

How to meet future energy demand is a big question we must consider.
to demand
Decency, security, and liberty alike demand that government officials shall be subjected to the same rules of conduct that are commands to the citizen.
The Parisian police, he said, "are exceedingly able in their way. They are persevering, ingenious, cunning, and thoroughly versed in the knowledge which their duties seem chiefly to demand."
This new model of car is so popular that they have had to open a new factory to meet the demand.
The current imbalance between supply and demand is considered to reflect structural changes on the demand side, rather than being a cyclical phenomenon.
In Japan there are a lot of translations from English to Japanese and from Japanese to English, but there isn't much real demand for Japanese to Spanish or Spanish to Japanese.
As soon as the land of any country has all become private property, the landlords, like all other men, love to reap where they never sowed, and demand a rent even for its natural produce.
I'm afraid this sounds like a demand, but could you return the money I lent you the other day?
They vote in secret, may seek public office, and may demand the removal of public officials who behave improperly.
What Microsoft is launching is a beta version of its "NetShow streaming server"; it supplies video and audio on demand.
Sales at the company zoomed thanks to brisk export demand, but profit did not keep up because of intense competition.
"I want to know who threw away the batteriries." He demanded to know who threw away the batteriries
Women should demand more respect. (Kobiety powinny domagać się większego szacunku.) Who gave you the right to demand anything? (Kto dał ci prawo, żeby czegokolwiek żądać?)
According to the author Joe Marconi, books that are labeled "Harvard Classics" can demand twice the price.

12. to

Go to sleep.
I hope to one day speak German as well as you speak English.
Why aren't you going? "Because I don't want to."
It took me more than two hours to translate a few pages of English.
Look at me when I talk to you!
Homeroom teachers should make every effort to keep in touch with their students.
Nobody ever comes to see us in this out-of-the-way village.
If I can get into university, I am hoping to learn to speak two foreign languages.
Fewer workers meant fewer people with money to buy goods.
Franklin Roosevelt was born to a rich and important New York family.
Two roundtrip tickets to Osaka, please.
The president was quoted as saying he would like to visit Japan soon.
You are welcome to the use of our house while we are away on vacation.
It began to rain heavily just as we got to the gate.
According to the weather forecast, the rainy season will set in next week.

13. needn't

You needn't suffer in silence.
We needn't have hurried.
You needn't do it at once.
I needn't have worn such a heavy coat today.
You needn't go too early, need you?
If John had of come, I needn't have.
We needn't hurry. We've got a lot of time.
He needn't go in such a hurry.
I needn't have painted the fence.
You needn't finish it by tomorrow.
You needn't come.
The weather is clearing up. I needn't have brought an umbrella.
I needn't have watered the flowers. Just after I finished, it started raining.
You needn't worry too much.
You needn't be ashamed because you failed the exam.

14. to need

15. request

It is highly regrettable that your request was considered to be unacceptable.
The request became a hot political issue in the presidential campaign.
If you read between the lines, this letter is a request for money.
If you request a further discount, we suggest changing the terms of payment.
on request
If it's a request from you, I'm hardly likely to be able to turn you down flat.
You must request the latest version of the software.
I hope you consider my request for a day off this Tuesday 8th. If possible, I'd appreciate you letting me recover those hours any other day.
60,000 lucky number request: I got a request to draw an illustration for the site of Beikyu, who hit the lucky number, "Standing By A Little Maple Tree".
On request, we will send you the programme for a token fee of €1 plus shipping.
Some ofthe people who request wheelchairs often don't need them.
On written request from the employee, the employer fixes an individual working-time schedule.
'This is a police station, not a request programme.,
Have you ever had to deal with an unreasonable request at work? Yes, I've had to deal with an unreasonable request at work.
Just as they were finishing, Emma made another request.