Dicembre 2024

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The capillaries
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I capillari
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to burn
palić ogniem
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take away, I took away
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togliere, ho tolto
sweat, I sweated
pocić się
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sudare, ho sudato
get petrol
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fare benzina
Where are you at?
jak Ci idzie? Na jakim etapie jesteś? Jak daleko jesteś?
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A che punto sei?
Just In time
być o odpowiednim czasie
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sono a buon punto
I'm at a point of no return
być w punkcie bez powrotu
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sono a un punto di non ritorno
to be able to
być w stanie coś zrobić
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essere in grado di
the hospitality
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at half price
połowa ceny
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a metà prezzo
have the idea of
mieć pomysł
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avere l'idea di
rent the apartment
wynajmować mieszkanie
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affittare l'appartamento
one of them
jeden z nich
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uno di loro
the salt mine
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la miniera di sale
stingy, miserly
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tirchio, avaro
turn on, I turned on
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accendere, ho acceso
the Christmas star
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la stella di Natale
missing, leave
brakuje, pozostało
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mancano solo due giorni per il Natale
to miss, I missed
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mancare, ho mancato
I take off my shoes
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mi tolgo le scarpe
togliere, ho tolto
I untie my shoes
rozwiązywać buty
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mi slaccio le scarpe
slacciare, ho slacciato
I tie my shoes
wiązać buty, zapiąć
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mi allaccio le scarpe
allacciare, ho allaciato
I put on my shoes
zakładam buty
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mi metto le scarpe
mettere, ho messo
What are you telling me?
co mi powiesz? Coś nowego?
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Che mi racconti? Che mi dici? Novità?
today for you tomorrow for me
kiedy dajesz pomóc żeby kiedys ja otrzymać od kogoś
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una mano lava l’altra e tutte e due lavano il viso
a little bit of madness/craziness
trochę szaleństwa
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un po' di follia
when you need it most
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quando più ne hai bisogno
few regrets
mało zmartwień
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pochi rimpianti
to put sth away
odłożyć coś
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mettere via qualcosa
plan a trip
zaplanować podróż
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panificare un viaggio
take long walks in the forest
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fare delle lunghe passeggiate nella foresta
of course/why not
zgadzać się
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altrochè/come no
If you want/ certainly
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A voglia/ senz'altro
luggage shelf
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ripiano bagagli
emergency brake
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freno d'emergenza
freno- hamulec
the carriage
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il vagone
the passenger seat
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il sedile del passeggero/a
the controller
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il controllore
reduced price
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tariffa ridotta
the petrol station
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il distributore di benzina
the vending machine
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il distributore automatico
the ticket office
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il biglietteria
the track
peron, stacja
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il binario
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The boarding pass is required to board the plane
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la carta d'imbarco è necessaria per salire sull'aereo
be careful not to lose it
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occhio a non perderla
the front/back entrance
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l'ingresso anteriore/posteriore
It is reserved for passengers in the first rows
z pierwszych rzędów
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è riservato ai passeggeri delle prime file
I have to board the plane from the rear entrance
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devo salire sull'aereo dall'ingresso posteriore
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il rossetto
the perfume
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il profumo
The earrings
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I orecchini
the handbag / purse
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la borsetta / borsa
sincere smiles
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sorrisi sinceri
but how delicious
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ma che bontà
a proposal
wniosek, propozycja
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una proposta
Ho una proposta per voi, una proposta d'affari
pracownicy, załoga, personel
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il personale
na całość, przebrnąć przez to, doprowadzić do końca do sedna
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fino in fondo
andare fino in fondo,
can i withdraw money?
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posso prelevare dei soldi?
to deposit
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the check
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il assegno
What is the interest rate?
stopa procentowa
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qual è il tasso di interesse?
where do I sign?
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dove firmo?
together with
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insieme a/con
ahead/in front of
befor something
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avanti/davanti a
In front of the window
na przeciwko
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Di fronte alla finestra
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attorno, intorno
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dietro a/di
out of
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fuori di
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dentro a
according to
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nothing else to do
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nient'altro da fare
Is that okay?
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Va bene così?
all good like this?
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A posto così?
win the lottery of love but also the other
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vincere alla lotteria dell'amore ma anche all'altra
the finish line
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il traguardo
go confidently in the direction of your dreams
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vai fiduciosi nella direzione dei tuoi sogni
I live the life I always imagined
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vivo la vita che ho sempre imaginato
to feel the joy
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per sentire la gioia
to share
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condividerla - dzielic ja
to collect
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The treasures
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I tesori
Of all kinds
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Di ogni genere
ogni genere di cose - różne rzeczy
różnego rodzaju
nothing is worth as much
nic nie jest tyle wart
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nulla vale quanto
a sincere friend
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un amico sincero
they are only those to whom
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sono solo coloro a cui
fear, I feared di
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temere, ho temuto
those who
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coloro che
deleted by
usunięty, zlikwidowany
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eliminato da
it's wasted
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è sprecato
waste, I wasted
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sprecare, ho sprecato
the expression
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