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a diaper (US) / a nappy (UK)
She is changing the baby's diaper. (NiV)
kontener transportowy
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a shipping container
pełen czegoś
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full of sth
The shelves were full of books. (NiV)
zużyte pieluszki
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used diapers
do zniesienia
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The smell is actually very bearable.
nie do zniesienia
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unbearable (NiV)
Nie przeszkadza mi to.
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It doesn't (really) bother me.
kompostować, produkować kompost z czegoś
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to compost
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I know that diapers are unavoidable.
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a billion
wysypisko śmieci
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wyrzucać coś
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to dispose OF sth
In Canada each year over 2.5 billion diapers are disposed of in landfills.
There is a recycling bin in the car park where you can dispose of your drinks cans. (NiV)
rozkładać się
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to decompose
It takes 400 years for a diaper to decompose.
zbierać coś
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to collect sth
We collect 10000 diapers per week.
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per week / a week
pociąć na strzępy
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to shred sth
Diapers are shredded.
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to screen sth out
We screen out inorganic materials.
nadający się do użytku
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We are left with the usable, organic compost.
dający satysfakcję, satysfakcjonujący (np. o pracy)
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The most rewarding part of my day is...
skład / magazyn
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a warehouse
You smell like your warehouse.

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