DHL 16 11.10

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question réponse
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much time
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dużo czasu
much money
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dużo pieniędzy
much sugar
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dużo cukru
How much time?
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Ile czasu?
How many times?
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Ile razy?
commencer à apprendre
much time
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dużo czasu
commencer à apprendre
many times
commencer à apprendre
wiele razy
many times
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wiele razy
many people
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wielu ludzi
many hours
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wiele godzin
How many blocks of chocolate do you eat a week?
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Ile bloków czekolady jesz tygodniowo?
How much chocolate do you eat a week?
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Ile czekolady jesz tygodniowo?
How many invoices do you book every day?
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Ile faktur codziennie księgujesz?
How much money do you earn?
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Ile pieniędzy zarabiasz?
How much time do you spend with children?
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Ile czasu spędzasz z dziećmi?
How many times a week do you watch Netflix?
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Ile razy w tygodniu oglądasz Netflix?
How much money do you spend on clothes?
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Ile pieniędzy wydajesz na ubrania?
How much coffee do you drink every day?
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Ile kawy pijesz każdego dnia?
How many coffees do you drink every day?
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Ile kaw pijesz każdego dnia?
When did you last visit mountains?
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Kiedy ostatnio byłeś w górach?
When did you last go trekking?
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Kiedy ostatnio byłeś na trekkingu?
Have you ever been to Alps?
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Czy byłeś kiedyś w Alpach?
No, I have never been to Alps.
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Nie, nigdy nie byłem w Alpach.
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punkt widokowy
I am afraid of heights.
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Boję się wysokości. (mam lęk wysokości)
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ciężki (np. doswiadczenie), twardy (o człowieku)
tough experience
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trudne doświadczenie
tough man
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twardy człowiek
I am tough when I’m calling the customers for money.
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Jestem twardy, kiedy dzwonię do klientów po pieniądze.
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ciężki = trudny = difficult = hard
tough times
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hard times
tough guy
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twardy facet
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ciężki (kg)
heavy bags
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ciężkie torby

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