Deutsch Perfekt

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question réponse
commencer à apprendre
provision / measure
commencer à apprendre
die Vorsorge
the breakdown / mishap
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die Panne
the investigator
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der Ermittler
mainly / predominantly
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to donate
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even / no less
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the domestic market / single european market
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der Binnenmarkt
the coincidence
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der Zufall
the body
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der Leib
the inland water
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das Binnengewässer
to be cancelled
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to get lost
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the tannery
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die Gerberei
the world heritage
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das Welterbe
the heir
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der Erbe
the corpse
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die Leiche
the praise
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das Lob
the courage
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der Mut
to shine / glow
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the convent / home
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das Stift
the pen
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der Stift
the foundation
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die Stiftung
to nod
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society / association / company
commencer à apprendre
die Gesellschaft
the crack
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der Riss
the supporter / fan
commencer à apprendre
der Anhänger

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