Destination C1&C2 Unit 22 Quality and the arts

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question English réponse English
aggravate (v)
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to make sth bad become worse, especially a situation or a medical condition
better (v)
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to achieve a better result than sb or sth
better (v)
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to improve sth
blemish (n)
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a mark or spot that spoils the appearance of sth
chaos (n)
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a situation in which everything is confused and in a mess
cheapen (v)
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to make sb or sth seem less valuable or respected
decay (v)
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to make or become gradually worse in quality, or weaker in power or influence
decline (v)
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to become less or worse
detrimental (adj)
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harmful or damaging
devastate (v)
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to seriously damage or completely destroy sth
devastate (v)
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to make sb feel very shocked and upset
enhance (v)
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to improve sth, or make it more attractive or more valuable
evaluate (v)
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to think carefully about sth before making a judgement about its value, importance or quality
exacerbate (v)
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to make a problem become worse
equisite (adj)
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extremely beautiful and delicate
first-rate (adj)
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of the highest quality
flaw (n)
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a mistake or fault in sth that makes it useless, less effective or less beautiful
ideal (adj)
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of the best or most suitable type
contaminate (v)
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to make sth dirty, polluted or poisonous by adding a chemical, waste or infection
defective (adj)
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not made correctly or not working correctly
ideal (adj)
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as good as you can imagine, and probably too good to be real
inadequate (adj)
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not enough or not good enough for a particular purpose
invaluable (adj)
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extremely useful
optimum (adj)
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best or most suitable within a range of possibilities
optimum (n)
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the best or most suitable situation, level, amount
outclass (v)
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to be much better than sb or sth else
prime (adj)
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most important, most suitable or of the highest quality
redeeming feature (n phr)
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a positive quality which improves sth that is not very good by including sth that is good
refurbish (v)
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to improve a room or a building by cleaning and painting, adding new furniture or equipment, etc
reinforce (v)
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to make an idea, belief, or feeling stronger
reinforce (v)
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to make a building, structure or object stronger
renovate (v)
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to make sth old look new again by repairing and improving it, especially a building
rotten (adj)
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sth that is rotten has decayed
rotten (adj)
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of low quality, standard or ability
rusty (adj)
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a rusty metal object is covered in reddish-brown substance that is formed on metals by the action of water and air
satisfactory (adj)
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good enough to be accepted in a particular situation
satisfactory (adj)
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enjoyable and pleasing
shambles (n)
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sth that is very badly organised and does not operate effectively
shoddy (adj)
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shoddy work, services or products are of a very low standard
sound (adj)
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involving the use of good judgement, and therefore likely to be effective
sound (adj)
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stale (adj)
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stale food such as bread is old and no longer fresh
streamline (v)
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to improve a business, organisation, process, etc by making it more modern or simple
strengthen (v)
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to make sth stronger
surpass (v)
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to be better or greater than sth else, or better than what was expected or hoped for
ultimate (adj)
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happening at the end of a process or activity
ultimate (adj)
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as good or as bad as possible
worsen (v)
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to become worse, or to make sth worse
wreck (n)
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sth that has been badly damaged
wreck (v)
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to severly damage

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