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cosa fai di solito al sabato?
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what do you usually do on saturday?
il concerto è il 22 novembre
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the concert is on 22 november
andrò in vacanza in ottobre
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I'm going on holiday in october
sono nato nel 1969
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I was born in 1969
il parco è bello in primavera
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the park is beautiful in spring
andrai via nel weekend?
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are you going away at the weekend?
sarai qui a Natale?
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will you be here at christmas?
tu spesso esci alla sera?
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do you often go out in the evening?
incontrerò paul lunedi mattina
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I'm meeting Paul on monday morning
il treno parte tra 5 min
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the train leaves in 5 minutes
alle 2 e mezza
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at half past two
al martedi e al giovedi
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on tuesday and on thursday
il 24 novembre
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on 24 november
il sabato sera
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on saturday night
dov'eri il 28 settembre?
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where were you on 22 september?
non mi piace alzarmi presto al mattino
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I don't like getting up early in the morning
mia sorella si è sposata in maggio
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my sister got married in may
ci siamo incontrati nel 1991
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we met in 1991
sei uscito mercoledi?
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did you go out on wednesday
vado spesso via nel weekend
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I often go away at the weekend
ho iniziato il mio lavoro il 3 giugno
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I started my job on 3 july
io vado via in estate
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I go away in summer
l'azienda inizio nel 1983
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the company started in 1983
ti chiamerò tra 3 giorni
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I will call you in three days
lui sarà qui tra mezz'ora
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he will be here in half an hour

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