Daisy Bo Peep

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Owca. Racja!
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A sheep. Right!
Powiedzcie "owca"
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Say 'sheep'
Owca jest za krzesłem
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The sheep is behind the chair
Nie martw się, Daisy!
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Don't worry, Daisy!
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a trampolin
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a flashlight
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Przepraszam, Goofy!
chcąc zwrócić na siebie uwagę
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Excuse me, Goofy!
Krowy robią "muu"
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Cows go 'moo'
Za krzakami są 3 owce
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There are three sheep behind the bushes
Liczcie ze mną!
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Count with me!
W pudełkach są 2 owce
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There are two sheep in the boxes
Teraz skaczcie i liczcie ze mną!
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Now jump and count with me!
Cześć wszystkim!
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Hi, everybody!
hi = hello
Łapcie owcę!
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Catch the sheep!
W dziurach są 3 owce
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There are three sheep in the holes
Mam pomysł!
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I have an idea!
Dziękuję wszystkim
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Thank you, everybody

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