Czynnosci poranne (MORGENAKTIVITETER)

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Vækkeuret ringer.
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Alarm clock rings.
Hun vågner.
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She awakes.
Hen står op.
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He stands up.
Jeg tager brusebad.
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I'm taking a shower.
Hun børster tænder.
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She brushes her teeth.
Hun lægger make-up.
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She puts on make-up.
Hun sminker sig.
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She puts on make-up.
Han barberer sig.
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He is shaving.
Du tager tøj på.
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You put on clothes.
Hun vækker børnene.
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She wakes the children.
Han laver morgenmad.
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He makes breakfast.
De spiser morgenmad.
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They're eating breakfast.
De drikker kaffe.
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They are drinking coffee.
Hun afleverer børnene I børnehaven (/I vuggestuen).
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She delivers the children to the kindergarden (/ to the nursery)
Hen tager af sted hjemmefra.
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Hen leaves home.
Han teger på arbejde.
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He goes to work.

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