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Clear the table
robić prace dla majsterkowiczów
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do DIY jobs
skosić trawnik
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mow the lawn
zgrabić liście
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rake the leaves
myć samochód
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wash the car
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umyć podłogę
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mop the floor
umyć kibel
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clean the toilet
wysuszyć naczynia
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dry the dishes
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do the cooking
nakryć / nakryć do stołu
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set/lay the table
Zrób pranie
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do the washing
słać łóżko
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make the bed
wynieś śmieci
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take the dustbin out
wyprowadzać psa na spacer
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walk the dog
Wyczyść łazienkę
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clean the bathroom
segregować śmieci
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sort out the rubbish
posprzątać kuwetę
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change the cat's litter
podlewać rośliny / kwiaty
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podlewać rośliny / kwiaty Anglais
water the plants/flowers
rozwieszać ubrania
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hang out the clothes
zmywać naczynia
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do the washing up
myć okna
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clean the windows
Nakarm kota i psa
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Feed the cat and the dog
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hoover or vacuum
załadować i opróżnić zmywarkę
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load and empty the dishwasher
prasować ubrania
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iron the clothes
pracować w ogródku
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Posprzątaj dom
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tidy the house
odkurzyć meble
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dust the furniture
robić zakupy
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do the shopping

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