czynności dom

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myć, prać
Wszystkie warzywa powinny być starannie umyte przed podaniem.
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to wash
All vegetables should be carefully washed before being served.
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to wear
Codziennie prasuję.
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to do the ironing
I do the ironing every day.
Aktorka uwielbia gotować, zwłaszcza dla swojego męża.
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to do the cooking
The actress loves to do the cooking, especially for her husband.
Studenci obiecali, że posprzątają po zabawie.
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to clear up
Students promised to clear up after the party.
robić zakupy
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to do shopping
myć naczynia
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to do the washing-up
ścierać kurze
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to do the dusting
wycierać naczynia
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wipe the dishes
prasować ubrania
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iron clothes
myć okna
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to clean the windows
Aktorka uwielbia gotować, zwłaszcza dla swojego męża.
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to do the cooking
The actress loves to do the cooking, especially for her husband.

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