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tył tylny tył tył NOUN uderzyć z główki VERB
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posterior butt buttom rear end derriere
butt najczęściej używane w Anglii ass jest wulgarne
He just sits on his butt all day long
o tym
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about it
What didn't you like about the play?
Muszę ci powiedzieć
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I gotta tell ya
gramatycznie jest I have go to tell you
I gotta tell ya, waking up early has been great for my productivity.
1. około ADVERB 2. Być zlbizonym VerB 3. zblizony
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1. approximately 2. approximate 3. approximate
1. The college has approximately 700 students.3. Do you have an approximate idea of when he's arriving?
1. klepnięcie / stuknięcie pozytywne Verb 2. klepnięcie
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1. pat 2. pat
When you pat someone it is because they have done something well. She stopped to pat the dog. 2. He gave her an encouraging pat on the shoulder.
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She yawned and rubbed her eyes.
Nie ustępować w wysiłkach
to continue doing something even if you want to stop
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keep at it
Learning a language is hard but you've just got to keep at it
odbijać sie rykoszetem VERB
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The bullet ricocheted off the wall.
mleczko kosmetyczne emulsja NOUN
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I will buy a body lotion.
idź zgodnie z planem
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go as planned
Please go as planned.
spędzać czas
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hang out
I Just hung out at home all day Reading a book.
1. pochwała chwalić VERB 2. pochwała NOUN
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1. He praised the team's performance. 2. Her first novel won a lot of praise from the critics.
upity pijany
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tanked hammered shit faced
He was a tanked yesterday.
1. entuzjazm NOUN 2. entuzjastyczny ADJ
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1. enthusiasm 2. enthusiastic
She has always had a lot of enthusiasm for her work.
1. kąt 2. ustawić pod kątem
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1. angle 2. angle
1. an angle of 90 degrees 2. She angled a shot into the corner of the court.
1. produkować VERB 2. produkty NOUN
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1. produce 2. produce
1. This plant will produce small yellow flowers in the spring. 2. We bought dairy produce.
1. farbować VERB 2. Farba
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He dyed his hair pink last week.
bawełna NOUN
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This t-shirt is made of cotton.
1. produkować VERB 2. produkcja NOUN
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Local industries manufacture plastic products, boats, and clothing.
blaknąć cichnąć, wyciszać, płowieć, powodować płowienie VERB
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The music began to fade.
1. wąskie ADJ 2. zwężać się VERB
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The road has been narrowed to one lane.
1. obcisłe ciasne ADJ 2. ciasno mocno ADV
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a tight skirt 2. He held her tight.
Nie zrozumcie mnie źle.
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Don't get me wrong.
odwracać odprawić kogoś z kwitkiem
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turn away
By 10 o'clock the club was already full and they were turning people away.
to jest niedorzeczne to jest bez sensu
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this is ridiculous
nie może obsłużyć nie może sobie poradzić
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can't handle
This tasked was very difficult. He couldn't handle.
Chodźmy tam i je zdobądźmy.
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Let's go out there and get them.
hojny ADJ
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a generous discount for students
cesarskie cięcie
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The C section
Our first baby was born by the C section.
na górze
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He ran upstairs to answer the phone
To ciasto ma nadzienie owocowe.
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This pie has a fruit filling.
przy pierwszych oznakach kłopotów
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at the first sign of trouble
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a washbasin
Our washbasin is too small.
pruć drzeć
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She ripped her dress getting off her bike.
Nadszedł czas
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The time has come
spojrzeć prawdzie w oczy
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face the truth
Zabieram cię
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I am taking you.
prognoza przepowiednia NOUN
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prediction Noun
Please don't ask me to make any predictions about tomorrow's meeting.
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He behaviour was unethical.
Zostaw go
inaczej leave him
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dump him
szafa NOUN
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a wardrobe
This wardrobe is too big.
zamknięcie NOUN
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The company announced the closure of its Paris office
ja też/ po zdaniu przeczącym Ja Też
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me too /me neither
"I don’t feel like going out tonight." "Me neither."
prognozy NOUN
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I wouldn't like to make any predictions about the result of this match.
czy to jest tańsze?
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is it cheaper?
If I get it without the nuts and leeks and Staff, is it cheaper?
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jaką kiedykolwiek miałem
coś najlepszego lub najgorszego w całym moim życiu
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I have ever had
This was the worst trip I have ever had.
publiczne środki transportu
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public modes of transportation
On sobie z tym poradzi.
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He will get over it.
przyspieszyć (własną) grę
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to step up (one's) game
if you really want to get Promotion you need to Step Up Your Game.
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to extend
They have extended the deadline by one week
nie obchodzi
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don't care about
zwijać się/zjawiać się gdzieś
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roll (something) up
By the time Jim rolled up, the party had almost finished.
niezłe ziółko
Someone Who is difficult to Control especially Child
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I'm a handful
garstka garść
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put about a handful of Chocolate Chips in the cookies
Nigdy nie myślę, zanim skoczę
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I never think before I jump
Jestem jedyną
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I'm the only one of me
jedyny w swoim rodzaju
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one of a kind
Emilia Clarke is one of a kind
mają tendencję do
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tend to
British People traditionally tend to not display much emotion in public.
kulawy / słaby
the opposite of cool
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Our new English teacher is always making lame jokes
dotrzymać ci towarzystwa
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keep you company
Can you keep me company for a while I don't want to be alone
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according to
Children are allocated to schools according to the area in which they live.
śledź aplikację
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track app
Rozmawiałem ze sobą
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I was talking to myself
okazja czyni złodzieja
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opportunity makes a thief
podczas gdy
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His parents were rich, whereas mine had to struggle.
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I think I did slightly better in my exams this time
gdy masz szansę kiedy będziesz mógł
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when you get a chance
przegapić szansę / okazję
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miss a chance/opportunity
wykorzystać szansę/okazję
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take a chance /opportunity
przy okazji / a propos
skrót BTW
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by the way
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to demand
They received a final demand for payment.
Mam tego dość
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I have had enough of this
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to challenge
I recently challenge him to the debatę on this program and he declined
kogo to obchodzi?
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who cares?
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The book was an instant success in the US. instant coffee
wymienny ADJ
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If things are interchangeable, you can exchange them because they can be used in the same way.
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I have very wide feet.
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lengthening waiting lists
przez nad
położenie włożyć coś na coś
może być używane także above w znaczeniu powyżej
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She was wearing a raincoat over her summer dress.
wnikliwy, bystry
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odmawiasz poparcia moich pomysłów
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you refuse to back my ideas
wspieraj mnie
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back me up
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jakimkolwiek sposobem
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in every way
walka o władzę
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power struggle
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I don't think you understand the magnitude of the problem.
rządzić razem
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rule together
wbić, wetknąć
Wetknęła mi w rękę kilka monet.
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thrust - thrust - thrust
She thrust some coins into my hand.
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wystąpić (czasownik)
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occur (verb)
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trzy razy w tygodniu
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three Times a week
Chyba tak tak sądzę
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I think so
Nie masz racji
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you have no right
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liczba parzysta
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even number
liczba nieparzysta
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odd number
w połowie zjedzony
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half eaten
A half eaten banana.
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dla tych z Was
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for those of you
pod kontrolą
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under control
don't worry everything under control
jaki smak?
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what flavour?
Punkt odniesienia
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reference point
No to ruszamy zaczynamy
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here we go
jak poszło?
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how did it go
how did the meeting go?
zawiesić działalność skończyć na dziś
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to call it a day

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