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inaczej understand commencer à apprendre
The music is too loud. I can't make out what you are saying.
zamiast very hungry commencer à apprendre
zamiast very clean commencer à apprendre
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nie mylić z sometimes
commencer à apprendre
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I am going to dropp off the Kids at school.
inaczej brave commencer à apprendre
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rzygać / do vomite / zwymiotować commencer à apprendre
to puke/to vomite/to throw up
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He admitted he had forged the signature of the lawyer on the check
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niespokojny niezrownawozony commencer à apprendre
człowiek przedsiębiorczy energiczny commencer à apprendre
w najlepszym tego słowa znaczeniu commencer à apprendre
in the best sens of the word
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nie wziąłem tego do siebie nie jestem urazony commencer à apprendre
na pewno na pewno na pewno commencer à apprendre
surely certainly definitely
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Jaka jest najlepsza droga commencer à apprendre
what is the best Way to take photograps of children?
nie ma wystarczającego światła. commencer à apprendre
there is not enought light.
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You shouldn't judge people on their appearances
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Wouldn't it be more sensible to leave before the traffic gets bad?
wpływ Noun 2. wpływać na Verb commencer à apprendre
Latino singers have had a major impact on pop music this year.
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Try to avoid the city centre.
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The engineers spent months refining the software.
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Tina really annoyed me in the meeting this morning.
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I feel very bitter about my childhood. This soup is bitter.
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wstręt NOUN napawać obrzydzeniem VERB commencer à apprendre
These pictures disgust me.
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intymny bliski serdeczny, intymna rozmowa commencer à apprendre
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zrezygnować ustępować zwalniać commencer à apprendre
She resigned as headteacher.
commencer à apprendre
The report omits the integrated approach and focuses only on tap water savings.
inaczej does it brother you commencer à apprendre
grzeczniej jest would you mind?
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anything off the trolley, dears?
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masz czegoś wystarczająco dużo nie potrzebujesz więcej commencer à apprendre
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zgniłe szczęście brak szczęścia commencer à apprendre
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obijać się spędzać czas lub czekać gdzieś commencer à apprendre
They really like to hang around at the Cafe during their break.
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Cała przyjemność po mojej stronie. commencer à apprendre
The pleasure is all mine.
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you have got dirt on your nose.
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jesteś bardzo mile widziany Mocniej od you are welcome commencer à apprendre
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my pleasure / no problem / don't mention it / you're welcome
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nadzorowane / obserwowane commencer à apprendre
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pasuje nie jest to opinia tylko fakt (np. coś nie pasuje że względu na rozmiar) commencer à apprendre
Twoja niebieska koszula pasuje do twoich niebieskich oczu. commencer à apprendre
Your blue shirt matches your blue eyes.
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To sukienka naprawdę ci odpowiada. kiedy chcemy powiedzieć komplement. commencer à apprendre
That dress really suits you.
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przede wszystkim, po pierwsze commencer à apprendre
first of all I'd like to ask him a few questions.
jak inaczej możesz powiedzieć to zdanie? Inaczej first off commencer à apprendre
how else could you say this phrase?
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Życie potrafi być okrutne. commencer à apprendre
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niedowierzanie, nieufność commencer à apprendre
kiedy byłem dzieckiem film Disneya był moim życiem (były dla mnie najważniejsze) commencer à apprendre
when I was a kid Disney movie were my life
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I'm all about saving people.
inaczej although lub however commencer à apprendre
the exam seemed very easy though everybody failed.
przymusowy, obowiązkowy nałogowy commencer à apprendre
inaczej authentic commencer à apprendre
odwołanie znaczy że coś pamiętasz commencer à apprendre
the old man record the city as it had been before the war.
Inaczej około 30 lat someone is 30-ish. commencer à apprendre
he is thirty (something) years old
przypominający niebieski ale nie jesteśmy pewni commencer à apprendre
Zwierzęta oswojone nie są dzikie. commencer à apprendre
Tame animals are not wild.
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to Look for something commencer à apprendre
could you keep an eye on this pan of the soup for a moment?
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inaczej very well commencer à apprendre
od splendid - wspaniały
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take something for granted most Americans take for granted the right to vote
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1. enhancement Noun 2. enhance winning that award greatly enhanced her reputation
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when you hit her you crossed the line.
inaczej only bardziej formalny commencer à apprendre
your new puppy is solely your responsibility
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Chciałbym hamburgera z frytkami. commencer à apprendre
I'd like a hamburger with a side of fries.
czy mogę dostać rachunek? commencer à apprendre
can I have the check please
commencer à apprendre
does this include gratuity?
dajesz napiwek w swoim kraju? commencer à apprendre
do you tip in your country
commencer à apprendre
commencer à apprendre
how are you finding Londyn?
commencer à apprendre
which was even colder so I guess now
commencer à apprendre
Przyłączać doczepic połączyć pójść do łóżka commencer à apprendre
commencer à apprendre
I haven't been a collision at the crossroad for a long time.
nie występuje przed rzeczownikiem wtedy używamy similar lub identical Te dwie sztuki były podobne. commencer à apprendre
The two plays are very alike.
commencer à apprendre
We can see a beautiful view at the back of my home.
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Driving at full speed gives me the adrenaline which I need.
na przystanku autobusowym commencer à apprendre
When we stay at the bus stop we saw the accident.
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You've been driving you vehicle at 170 km an hour.
Myję zęby dwa razy dziennie. commencer à apprendre
I brush my teeth twice a day.
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I took a lovely picture at dawn.
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w końcu wreszcie / nareszcie commencer à apprendre
At last, he passed the exam.
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na pierwszy rzut oka od pierwszego wejrzenia commencer à apprendre
It was love at first sight and it lasted the whole 2 weeks
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At heart, I still love you, Pamela Anderson.
Sprawdzić oczekiwać szukać spodziewać sie commencer à apprendre
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wzorzyste myśleć synonim I thought commencer à apprendre
I Just figure, you know, after living with you it had be an intersting change of pace
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nie, dziękuję, mam już dość commencer à apprendre
no thanks I have had enought already
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Our washing machine broke down.
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so cheers to good friends
zgodnie z kierunkiem wskazówek zegara commencer à apprendre
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You were making jokes about my height.
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it's on the tip of my tongue
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Lebron James is at the top of the list 3 point shooter.
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nie wiem pierwszej rzeczy o czymś. Nie wiesz o mnie pierwszej rzeczy, commencer à apprendre
don't know the first thing about sth. You don't know the first thing about me, znaczy że dana osoba nic o mnie nie wie You don't know the first thing about me.
inaczej I understand commencer à apprendre
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Wyskoczę tylko do kibelka. commencer à apprendre
I'm just going to nip to the loo.
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duszny bezwietrzny bezdudzny commencer à apprendre
pojęcie ogólne termin ogolny commencer à apprendre
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verb lub noun
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today I am joined by Emily Watson