question |
réponse |
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Please take me one sheet of paper.
nuty partytura zapis nutowy commencer à apprendre
Do you have a sheet of music song Party man?
dostępne tylko do wyczerpania zapasów. commencer à apprendre
only available while supplies last. This records only available while supplies last.
kiełbaska parówka siusiak commencer à apprendre
Please take one wiener for a fire.
commencer à apprendre
We can see in this illustration two cars and one bicycle.
commencer à apprendre
This is a project which has been near and dear to my heart sińce I wrote it 9 years ago.
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He exclaimed to us Go away!
commencer à apprendre
She muttered and went to her room.
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She answers me with indignantly.
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The kid has chortled after I had told him a joke.
1. dyszeć, sapać 2. gwałtowny wdech commencer à apprendre
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I felt a little be gloomily in this house.
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That doesn't concern you," she retorted sharply.
wstawać/podnosić się wkładać commencer à apprendre
Insert the coin in the slot. He inserted a new paragraph.
commencer à apprendre
We waited anxiously by the phone.
hojny szczodry spory obfity commencer à apprendre
a generous discount for students
commencer à apprendre
He stared absently at the television screen.
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He grimaced at the bitter taste
commencer à apprendre
The evening began genially and informally.
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When he opened his eyes, the bear had vanished soundlessly into thin air.
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He replied contemptuously.
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I didn't recognize him, he looked so pitifully.
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I've had a letter concerning my tax payments.
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We should go," he said, almost imploringly
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She shrugged indifferently.
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We have a staff meeting next Wednesday.
complete and in its original form: commencer à apprendre
Uncut diamonds are worth less than those that have been cut and shaped. the original, uncut version of a film
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previous stone commencer à apprendre
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Please pick up your order.
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His answer was pure hogwash
commencer à apprendre
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lepik spodziewany zjechany (informal) commencer à apprendre
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His mother's death when he was aged six had a very profound effect on him
commencer à apprendre
What time do the fireworks start?
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I think the sensible thing to do is call and ask for directions.
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She's a lively, talkative person.
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He's deluding himself if he thinks he's going to be promoted this year
commencer à apprendre
At school he was popular and self-confident, and we weren't surprised at his later success.
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I stepped in a pile of crap.
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The senator has accused the media of bias.
commencer à apprendre
My husband is very stubborn.
commencer à apprendre
Our new crew looks like hard-working.
commencer à apprendre
commencer à apprendre
My boss is modest and driving the old car.
commencer à apprendre
John was unshaven this morning.
commencer à apprendre
inaczej insect
commencer à apprendre
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do not know - w skrócie
1. Zastanawiać się dziwić się 2. cud podziw zdumienie commencer à apprendre
commencer à apprendre
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wędrówka mówić haotycznie commencer à apprendre
He drank too much yesterday and then ramble all night.
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na pewno pewnie oczywiście commencer à apprendre
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I am sorry for my words Just wonder
commencer à apprendre
He won the game after five streak losses thankfully.
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Please buy milk on the way home.
commencer à apprendre
He wrote this book in the way.
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By the way, I apologise for my mistake.
commencer à apprendre
He consciously bought this book.
commencer à apprendre
Her father-in-law was very harsh for her in her childhood.
commencer à apprendre
It was a document of surprising bulk.
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It would be a disaster for me if I lost my job.
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He is still grieving for his wife.
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Some of the pieces seem to be missing.
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The statistics reflect a change in people's spending habits.
commencer à apprendre
Salesman tempts me to the bought a brand new car.
jesteś mi winien przysługę commencer à apprendre
You owe me after I lend you money.
commencer à apprendre
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This view is unusual don't you think.
commencer à apprendre
I will buy this car almost certainly.
commencer à apprendre
She had to be put under sedation.
commencer à apprendre
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The drug may be legalized for medical purposes.
dowolnie swobodnie powszechnie commencer à apprendre
Exotic foods are freely available in supermarkets For the first time in months she could move freely
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przyssawka frajer łasa na coś commencer à apprendre
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The growth of the Internet could foster economic development worldwide
commencer à apprendre
She's a good-looking woman, I grant you
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dostajesz to, za co płacisz commencer à apprendre
sprowadź pomoc korepetycje commencer à apprendre
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1. areszt 2. opieka prawna commencer à apprendre
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Many salesmen work on commission.
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martwić się niepokoić o kogoś/coś commencer à apprendre
What really concerns me is her lack of experience
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He's furious at the way he's been treated.
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The children are getting really excited about the party.
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Hundreds of irate passengers have complained to the airline.
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inaczej vacuum cleaner commencer à apprendre
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in the matter of second the building was in flames
Spędził mniej czasu na brzegu niż większość ludzi. commencer à apprendre
He has spent less time on shore than most people.
Moja torba była za ciężka i musiałam ciągnąć ją po ścieżce. commencer à apprendre
My bag was too heavy and I had to drag it along the path.
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