czesc 3

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na przyklad
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for instance
takie jak
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such as
w szczegolnosci
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in particular
z zwiazku
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z tego powodu
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For this reason
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w rezultacie
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as a result
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moim zdaniem
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it is my belief
moim zdaniem 1
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in my mind
wydaje mi sie
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it appears to me
jestem w pelni przekonny
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I am fully convinced
jestem skłonny uwierzyc
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I am inclined to believe
nie zgadzm sie
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I don't agree
nie zgadzam sie
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I don't agree
w pelni popierm
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I fully support
jestem calkowicie przeciwko
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I am totally against it
nie moglbym sie bardziej z tym nie zgodzic
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I couldn't disagree more with that

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