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bede robila pranie jutro wieczorem
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I will do laundry tomorrow evening
zamierzac kupic nowy samochod
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I m going to buy a new car
bede miala 44 godziny w nastepnym tygodniu
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I will have 44 hours next week
zrobie lekcje jutro
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I'll do the lessons tomorrow
tom jutro nie bedzie gral bo jest chory
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Tom won't play tomorrow because he's sick
nie bede miala psa bo mam alergie
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I won't have a dog because I have allergies
robert pewnie sie kąpie teraz zadzownimu do niego pozniej
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robert is probably taking a bath now, we'll call him later
do konca roku wybudujemy dom
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we will build a house by the end of the year
bedzie padal deszcz bo wieje wiatr
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It will rain because the wind is blowing
on napisze list jutro
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he will write a letter tomorrow
Tom będzie pisał jakiś list
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tom will be writing some letter
on bedzie gotowal obiad w niedziele
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he will cook dinner on Sunday
on będzie gotował obiad w piątek
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he will be cooking dinner on friday
zrobią pracę domową przed 7
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they will have done homework before 7
moja siostra bedzie sprzatala pokoj zanim przyjde
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my sister will be cleaning the room before I come
zjemy obiad kiedy on przyjdzie
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we will eat dinner when he comes

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