czasowniki złożone z down

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zachodzić, schodzić na dół
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go down
we were watching the sun go down
zmniejszać się, spadać
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go down
im sure the price will go down in autumn
zmniejszyć, zciszyc
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turn down
could you turn down the heating because its too hot in this room
odrzucić coś
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turn down
our offer was turned down at an auction
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put down
it is so sad that you had to have your pet put down
zapisać, położyć
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put down
put it down please
powalić kogoś
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knock down
the Child was knocked down by a huge dog
zburzyć coś
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knock down
they knocked down the old school building and built a New hotel
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fall down
the knight unexpectedly fell down from his horse
zepsuć się
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break down
i was so embarrassed when my car broke down in the middle of the street
załamac się
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break down
my Sister broke down when she saw her results
wyczerpac się
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run down
it doesnt work because the batteries have run down
przejechać kogoś, coś
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run down
the car ran down a boy while he was riding a bike
sprawić komuś zawód, rozczarować kogoś
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let somebody down
i will not let you down, i promise!
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let down
my mother let mt skirt down because it was too short to wear it
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note down
i had to note down his email adress to contact him later
zabrać się za coś
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get down to
lets get down to work!
dobijac kogoś
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get somebody down
his attitude to work is getting me down
ograniczyć COS
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cut down on
cut down on sweets if you want to lose weight
pogardzic kims, czymś, patrzeć na kogoś z góry
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look down on
he looked down on his cousin because of his misbehaviour

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