czasowniki Infinitive/Past Tense

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question réponse
być, bylem
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to be, I was
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zaczynać, zaczalem
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start, I started
przynosić, przynioslem
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to bring, I brought
budowac, zbudowalem
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build, built
kupować, kupilem
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buy, bought
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wybierać, wybralam
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choose, I chose
przychodzić, przybywać
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come, came
kosztowac, kosztowalo
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cost, cost
robić, zrobilem
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do, he did
robic zakupy
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do shopping
zrobilam zakupy
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I did shoping
robic notatki
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make notes
rysować, narysowalam
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to draw, I drew
śnić, marzyć, snilem
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dream, dream, I dreamed
jechać, pojechalem
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go, I went
jechać(samochodem), kierowac
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drive, drive
kierować autem
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to drive a car
jechac, kierowac
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drive, drive
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jechać autem, autobusem, pociągiem, koleja
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go by car, by bus, by train
lecieć samolotem
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to by plane
jeździć - jeździł rowerem, konno
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ride - rode a bike, a horse
podrozowac droga morska
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travel by sea
czuć, czulem
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feel, I felt
znaleźć, znalazlem
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find, I found
lecieć, lecialem
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fly, I flew
zapominać, zapomnialem
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forget forgot
zamarznac, zamarzlo
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freeze, froze
dostać, dostalem
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get, I got
dawać, dalem
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to give, I gave
iść, poszedl
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go, went
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mieć, mialem
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have, I had
słyszeć, slyszalem
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hear, I heard
on go uderzyl
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he hit him
trzymac dziecko za reke
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hold the child by the hand
zatrzymaj sie
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zatrzymaj resztę
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keep the change
wiedzieć, znać,
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know, know,
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I knew(nju)
uczyć się, nauczyłem się
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learn, I learned
uczyłam się przez dwie godziny
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I was learning for two hours(auers)
opuszczać, wyjezdzac
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wyjechalem z miasta, opuściłem miasto
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I left the city, I left the city
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skakac do wody
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jump to water
spać, spałem
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sleep, I slept
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stań tam
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stand there
stój przy mnie
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stand with me
śmierdzi jak skunks
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it stinks like skunks
tak jak
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pływać, pływał
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swim, swam
brać, zabralem
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take, I took(tuk)
uczyć kogos
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teach someone
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to say
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speak - spoke - spoken
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say - said - said

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