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question réponse
wysadzić (coś)
commencer à apprendre
blow (sth) up
The terrorists wanted to blow up the hotel
What you did can bring serious consequences about
commencer à apprendre
bring (sth) about
Monica brings up her children alone
commencer à apprendre
bring (sb) up
It was raining so they called off the match
commencer à apprendre
call (sth) off
przeprowadzać (coś), wykonywać
Doctor Jones is carrying out the operation
commencer à apprendre
carry (sth) out
ukryć, zatuszować
The White House wanted cover the scandal up
commencer à apprendre
cover (sth) up
zrozumieć (coś)
I can’t figure out the rules of this game
commencer à apprendre
figure (sth) out
przekazać, wytłumaczyć
They found it difficult to get the messeage across
commencer à apprendre
get (sth) across
oddać (coś)
Jim will probably give his old furniture away
commencer à apprendre
give (sth) away
zdradzić (np. sekret)
My best friend gave away all my secrets
commencer à apprendre
give (sth) away
rzucić coś, zaprzestać coś robić
She gave up her job becouse she couln’t stand her boss
commencer à apprendre
give (sth) up
Ralph has just decided to hand his resignation in
commencer à apprendre
hand (sth) in
Tiffany handed over the phone to me
commencer à apprendre
hand (sth) over
She just couldn’t hold her tears back
commencer à apprendre
hold (sth) back
zwolnić (np. z pracy)
Our boss was forced to lay some employees off
commencer à apprendre
lay (sb) off
Mike let down his parents as he didn’t go to university
commencer à apprendre
let (sb) down
Juan usually looks new Engilsh words up in a dictionary
commencer à apprendre
look (sth) up
Please dom’t mess up my plans
commencer à apprendre
mess (sth) up
We are still paying off the loan
commencer à apprendre
pay (sth) off
odbierać kogoś (np. ze szkoły)
What time do you want me to pick up Anna from the airport?
commencer à apprendre
pick (sb) up
odkładać pieniądze (na jakiś cel)
I put $10 aside for a new bike every month
commencer à apprendre
put (sth) aside
Roger is going to put forward his plan during the meeting
commencer à apprendre
put (sth) forward
odkładać coś w czasie
They’ve put off the meeting until tomorrow
commencer à apprendre
put (sth) off
zakładać coś
When I come back from work, I always put on my tracksuit
commencer à apprendre
put (sth) on
złożyć coś, zmontować coś
I’m trying to put together my computer after I took it apart
commencer à apprendre
put (sth) together
odprowadzać kogoś
Liz went to the railway station to see her boyfriend off
commencer à apprendre
see (sb) off
zakładać (np. biznes)
In 1976 he set up his own company
commencer à apprendre
set (sth) up
rozwiązać (np. problem)
It won’t be easy to sort all my problems out.
commencer à apprendre
sort (sth) out
Can you turn off your mobile phones, please?
commencer à apprendre
switch/turn sth off
Luna switched on his computer and checked his mail
commencer à apprendre
switch/turn sth on
rozdzielić/na części/, rozkładać
Can you take apart this gadget?
commencer à apprendre
take (sth) apart
pojąć, przyswajać
It is difficult to take in all this information?
commencer à apprendre
take (sth) in
You should take off your coat - its hot
commencer à apprendre
take (sth) off
My boss’s son is going to take the company over next year
commencer à apprendre
take (sth) over
zająć sie czymś, zaintererować
I’ve decided to take up yoga
commencer à apprendre
take (sth) up
Can try this jacket on?
commencer à apprendre
try (sth) on
John turner our invitation down
commencer à apprendre
turn (sb/sth) down
obmyślać, opracowywać
I haven’t worked out the plan yet
commencer à apprendre
work (sth) out

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