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break down
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psuć się/załamywać się
my car broke down in the middle of nowhere
break out
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He was living in London when the war broke out.
carry on
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Carry on, please. I'm listening.
Come round
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Przychodzić (w odwiedziny)
Poul is coming round to my house for tea.
Come round
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odzyskać przytomność
Her Mother lost conciousness and hasn't come round yet.
die out
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some species will die out due to climate change.
get by
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he only earns Just enough to get by
give in
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poddać się
go down
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zatonąć/obniżać się/spadać
go off
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wybuchać/włączać się/psuć się (np. o jedzeniu)/odbywać się
go out
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go up
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