czas ang 2

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question réponse
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you want
co chcesz zjeść?
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what do you want eat?
gdzie chcesz zjeść obiad
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where do you want to have dinner?
Co chcesz kupić
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what do you want to buy
kiedy chcesz przyjechac
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when do you want to come
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a watch
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an alarm clock
ja mam
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I have
nie mam
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i'dont have
Obudź się
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Wake up
proszę, obudź mnie
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please wake me up
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mam czas
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I have time
mam dużo czasu
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I have a lot of time
nie mam czasu
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I' dont have time
Mam mało czasu
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I have Little time
To dla ciebie, kochanie.
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This is for you, honey.
dla mnie
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for me
dla Was, ciebie
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for you
to dla Ciebie
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it is for you
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Pański paszport, poproszę
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Your passport, please
ty jesteś
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you are
dobrze mieć
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it's good to have
dobrze jest mieć mamę i tatę
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it's good to have a mam and dad
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you like
co lubisz
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what do you like
lubisz kawę
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do you like coffee
jaki, jaka, jakie
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pożyczat od kogoś
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czy mogę pożyczyć parasol
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can I borrow an umbrella
chciałbym pożyczyć
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i'd like to borrow
Chciałbym pożyczyć żelazko
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i'd like to borrow an iron

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