cz. 2 nauka i technika

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bateria działa przez 48 godzin
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battery runs for 48 hours
bateria się rozładowała
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battery is dead
ładować telefon
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charge your phone
wprowadzić (numer PIN)
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enter (your PIN number)
być w zasięgu
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get a signal
rozłączyć się
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hang up(on sb)
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niski poziom (naładowania) baterii
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low battery
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make a call
ekran (dotykowy)
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(touch) screen
wysłać sms
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send a text
skonfigurować telefon
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set up a phone
pisać do kogoś sms
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text sb
nie ma zasięgu (w telefonie komórkowym)
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there's no signal/coverage
doładować telefon
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top up
przemysł lotniczy
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air industry
dziedzina nauki
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area of science
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biologia /biolog
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biology / biologist
chemia/ chemik
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chemistry / chemist
ekologia/ ekolog
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ecology / environmentalist
ekspert w dziedzinie...
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expert in the field of...
genetyka /genetyk
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genetics / geneticist
historia /historyk
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history / historian
matematyka/ matematyk
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mathematics / mathematician
fizyka /fizyk
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physics / physicist
nauka, dyscyplina naukowa/ naukowiec
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science / scientist
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