ćwiczenia poza książkami dodatkowe

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Materiał przyjazny dla dysleksji
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Dyslexia-friendly material
PokażPierwsza próba
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ShowFirst attempt
odniesienie gramatyczne
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grammar reference
Mają dwie siostry.
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They've got two sisters.
Ma dwie siostry.
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She's got two sisters.
Nie mają pieniędzy.
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They don't have any money.
Ona nie ma żadnych pieniędzy.
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She doesn't have any money.
Nie ma pieniędzy.
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She hasn't got any money.
Czy mam nowy samochód?
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Do I have a new car?
Czy mam nowy samochód?
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Have I got a new car
Czy ma nowy samochód?
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Has he got a new car?
Czy posiadasz iPhone'a? Tak. / Nie, nie mam.
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Do you have an iPhone? Yes, I do. / No, I don't.
Masz iPhone'a? Tak, mam. / Nie, nie mam.
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Have you got an iPhone? Yes, I have. / No, I haven't.
Mam siostrę.
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I've got a sister.
Mam siostrę.
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I have a sister.
Ma troje dzieci.
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She has three children.
Ma troje dzieci.
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She's got three children.
On ma blond włosy.
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He has blond hair.
Ma blond włosy
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He's got blond hair
Codziennie biorę prysznic.
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I have a shower every day.
O której jesz lunch?
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What time do you have lunch?
Kiedy byłem mały, miałem rower
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I had a bicycle when I was young
Czy miales mily weekend?
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Did you have a nice weekend?
Kiedy byłem studentem, nie miałem żadnych pieniędzy.
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I didn't have any money when I was a student.

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