CuttEdge elem. unit 01.1 Starter - pytania i zwroty

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question réponse
Jak masz na imię?
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What's your name?
Jak on się nazywa?
Jak ona się nazywa?
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What's his name?
What's her name?
Miło cię poznać!
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Nice to meet you!
Kim on jest?
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Who's he?
Kim ona jest?
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Who's she?
Skąd jesteś?
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Where are you from?
Skąd on jest?
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Where's he from?
Jestem z Polski.
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I'm from Poland.
Jaki jest twój ulubiony kolor?
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What's your favourite colour?
Moim ulubionym kolorem jest żółty.
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My favourite colour is yellow.
Jaki jest twój numer telefonu komórkowego?
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What's your mobile number?
Czy mógłbyś to powtórzyć, proszę?
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Can you repeat that, please?
Mój numer do pracy to 0144 05128.
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My work number is 0144 05128.
Jestem Adam.
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I am Adam.
Ty, Wy
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Ona jest moją siostrą.
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She is my sister.
Kim on jest?
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Who is he?
To jest mój samochód.
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It is my car.
Jesteśmy głodni.
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We are hungry.
Oni, one
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Dzień dobry. (rano)
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Good morning.
Dzień dobry. (po południu)
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Good afternoon.
Dobry wieczór
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Good evening
Do widzenia
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Hellow / Hi
Jak się miewasz?
- Dobrze.
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How are you?
I'm fine.

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