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to go out sb's land without permission or enter their building without permission
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a crime of intentionally damaging property belonging to other people
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a crime considered to be one of the less serious type of crime
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an occasion when sb breaks a rule or a low
ktos kto podszywa sie pod kogoś innego commencer à apprendre
sb who pretends on social media to be sb different, in order to trick or attact other people
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oszustwo / oszustwo inwestycyjne commencer à apprendre
an illegal activity of providing false information to sb so that they will invest in sth
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act of setting fire on purpose !!! extinguish - to stop a fire or a light burning:
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postawić kogoś w stan oskarżenia commencer à apprendre
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1. the Cabinet 2. the government
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the crime using sb personal information in order to obtain money or credit
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a statement, made without giving proof, that sb has done sth wrong or illegal
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to attempt to make sb do sth for you giving the person money, presented or sth that they want
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uchylanie się od płacenia podatków commencer à apprendre
ways to illegally apuing less tax than you should
przestępstwa w bialych kołnierzykach commencer à apprendre
crime that is committed by a person who work in an office or a similar plane, usually by professional person in connection with their work
nieumyślne spowodowanie śmierci commencer à apprendre
the crime of killing a person when the killer did not intend to do it or cannot be responsible for her actions
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a violent attact
napad na kogos, okradanie na ulicy commencer à apprendre
an act of attacking sb and stealing their money
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the crime of stealing from somewhere or sb using weapons
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device or program protect your system from malicious hacker
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a person who gets into someone else's computer system without permission I order to find out information or do sth illegal
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A group of computer that are controlled by software containing harmful programs without their users knowledge
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small piece of equipment that you connect to a computer or other piece of electronic equipment to copy and store information
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the act of clicking repeatedly on an internet advertisement in order to make money for a website
zakorzenic sie, zaszczepić się commencer à apprendre
it start to accepted
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sophistication, complexity
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złośliwe oprogramowanie, złośliwe oprogramowanie commencer à apprendre
malicious software, malware intended to harm your system
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a computer program which can make copies of itself and it intended to harm a computer or computer system
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an illegal play to make a money
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unwanted email esp advertisement that you have not requested
zaklady taniej siły roboczej commencer à apprendre
A Small Factory where wlrkers are paid very little and work many hours in a very bad condition
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to tick sb in order to make them give you they money or possession
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obtaining money by deceiving people
nieproszony, niezamierzony commencer à apprendre
nit requested, not asked for
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a attempt to trick sb into giving info over the internet or by email that would allow sb else to take money from them, for example by taking money out of their bank account
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to charge sb on amount of money as a punishment for not obeying a rule of law
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weapons of mass destruction
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sovereign debt / public debt
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awaria strony internetowej commencer à apprendre
rekrutować, zaciagnac, zwerbowac commencer à apprendre
ominąć środki bezpieczeństwa commencer à apprendre
bombardować witrynę internetową commencer à apprendre
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uruchomić złośliwy program commencer à apprendre
launch a malicious programme
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badanie opinii publicznej commencer à apprendre
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there are plenty of justification for taking things for free on the internet
prowadził kampanię przeciwko niemu commencer à apprendre
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have a right to do something
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sprzedawać narkotyki / narkotyki push commencer à apprendre
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przesłuchany przez policję commencer à apprendre
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give a verdict of guilty
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harassment on the internet
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dokonać kradzieży kieszonkowej commencer à apprendre
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non-governmental organization (NGO)
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stealni money with your care commencer à apprendre
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target payment card heist
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situations that are not an excuse for a crime, but that a court of law may consider to be important enough to reduce the blame or punishment of the accused person:
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two metal or plastic rings joined by a short chain that lock around a prisoner's wrists
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a person who pretends to be sb else in order to deceive others
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skazać kogoś za przestępstwo commencer à apprendre
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uznać kogoś winnym czegoś commencer à apprendre
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nakaz przeszukania mieszkania commencer à apprendre
warrant to search the apartment
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widzieć coś na własne oczy commencer à apprendre
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political or business activities that are morally wrong commencer à apprendre