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kradzieże w sklepach / złodziej sklepowy
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shoplifting / shoplifter (Stealing something from a store)
rozbój / rabuś
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robbery / robber (Stealing large amounts of money with force or violence from a bank, store etc)
gwałt / gwałciciel. Forcing someone to have sex
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rape / rapist
ludobójstwo / killing on purpose a kartę number od people, especially from a particual group or area
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kieszonkowiec / kieszonkowiec/ Stealing money from people's pockets in crowded places
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pickpocketing/ pickpocket
porwanie / porywacz. Taking controf of a plane, train etc. by force often to meet political demands
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nie udzielić komuś pomocy, pozostawić kogoś na pastwę losu
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hit and run. Not stopping to help a person who was hurt in accident caused by you
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homicide (Killing another person on purpose)
biegamy / bigamist
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bigamy/bigamist. Marrying someone when you are already married to another person
Szantaż / szantażysta
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blackmail/ blackmailer. Threateing to tell someone's secrets if a lot of money is not paid
zabójstwo Killing someone by accident
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lynching (killing someone without legal process, often by hanging, often by an angry mob)
rabunek (rabuś) Attacking someone with a plan to rób them
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mugging (mugger)
morderstwo / mordercą
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murder / murderer (Killing someone on purpose)
Porwanie / Porywacz
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kidnapping / kidnapper
uprowadzenie, porwanie
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Abduction/ kidnapping Taking someone away by force, demanding money from their safe return
kara śmierci
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capital punishment
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an arson/ setting a fire to bulding, property on purpose
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a judge
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a victim
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a witness
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to arrest
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a suspect
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a court
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a prison
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poaching / hunting illegaly
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kidnapping/ taking someone away by force z often demanding money for their safe return
podglądanie/ podglądacz +zboczeniec
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voyeurism/ voyeur Secretly watching naked people or sexual acts, getting sexually excited
kradzież tożsamości
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identity theft/ Using someone else's personal information for one's own gain
chuligaństwo / chuligan
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hooliganism/ hooligan Being violent or agressive on purpose: often used to describe youth
wandalizm / wandal.
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vandalism / vandal. Destroying private or public property purposely
zabójstwo / zabójca
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assassination/assassin /Killing a famous person or public figure
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espionage (spying, to obtain political or military information)
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napaść/ napastnik
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assault /assailant (Attacking someone physically)
przekupstwo / łapówka
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bribery/giving money to keep sb quiet or to influence another person's decisions or behavior
łapówkarz (osoba, która oferuje łapówkę)
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drobna kradzież
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pilfering. Stealing small quantities of goods over time
bombardowanie / bombowiec
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bombing/ bomber. Detonating an explosive device with the plan of harming people or property
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perjury. Lying in court white under oath
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treason. Betraying one's country by helping its enemies
jazda po pijanemu
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drunk driving/ driving with too much alcohol in blood
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libel=slander/ damanding someone's reputation by writing lies about them
terroryzm / terrorysta
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terrorism/ terrorist. Using violence, threats or fear usually for political purpose
przekroczenie dozwolonej prędkości
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speeding/ Driving above the speed limit
przemyt / przemyt
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smuggling / smuggler Taking things secretly in or out of a place, country, jail etc.
zamieszki / zamieszki
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riot /rioter Causing a noisy violent public disturbance
zniesławienie, oszczerstwo
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slander=liber/ damanding someone's reputation by writing lies about them
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fraud. Getting money from people by cheating them
Przemoc wobec dzieci
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Child abuse/ threating a child badly in a physical, emotional od sexual way
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corruption / behaving illegaly and dishonestly
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crime / doing something illegal that can be punished by law
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cybercrime (crime committed through the Internet)
haker / cyberprzestępca
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haker / cybercriminal
przemoc domowa
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domestic violence - behaving violently inside the home
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theft (Stealing in general)
włamanie / włamywacz /
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burglary / burglar / burgle (break into a house in order to steal something)
fałszerstwo / fałszerz
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forgery /forger (Illegaly copying documents, money etc. to chest people)
nielegalny handel (np. narkotykami, ludźmi)
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trafficking (Trading sth illegal like drugs, people etc)
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con artist / fraud
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embezzlement (Stealing large amonts of money that you are responsible for)
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wtargnięcie / intruz
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trespassing / a trespasser (Entering another person's area, hurting people or damaging property)
grabieże / szabrownik
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looting / looter (Taking things Illegaly and by force, during a riot, war etc)

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