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England, English
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Anglia, angielski
Japan, Japanese
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Japonia Japończyk
Italy, Italian
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Włochy, włoski
China, Chinese
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Chiny Chiński
Germany, German
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Niemiecki Niemiec
Poland, Polish
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Polska, Polski
Spain, Spanish
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Hiszpania hiszpański
France, French
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Francja, francuski
Russia, Russian
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Rosja, rosyjski
Brazil, Brazilian
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Brazylia, brazylijska
Greece, Greek
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Grecja grecki
Egypt, Egyptian
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Egipt, Egipcjanin
Mexico, Mexican
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Meksyk, Meksykanin
Ireland, Irish
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Irlandia, irlandzki
Portugal, Portuguese
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Portugalia, portugalski
Australia, Australian
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Australia, australijski
Belgium, Belgian
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Belgia, Belgia
Norway, Norwegian
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Norwegia, norweski
Switzerland, Swiss
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Szwajcaria, Szwajcaria
Turkey, Turkish
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Turcja, turecki
Canada, Canadian
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Kanada, kanadyjski
the Chech Republic, Chech
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Republika Czeska, Czeski
Hungary, Hungarian
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Węgry, węgierski
the United States, American
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Stany Zjednoczone, amerykański

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