Corso di italiano (Roma 3b)

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pupazzo di neve
brush the teeth
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lavarsi i denti
toothpaste on the toothbrush
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dentifricio sullo spazzolino
The phone can ring any moment
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Il telefono può squillare in ogni momento
He made himself a coffee
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Si è fatto un caffè
he was sleepy
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aveva sonno
thanks to you / God / caffe
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grazie a te / Dio / al caffe
button up a shirt
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abbottonare una camicia
(he) after waking up
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dopo essersi svegliato
after eating
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dopo aver (!) mangiato
after studying
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dopo aver (!) studiato
I want to break off all relations with her.
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Voglio interrompere tutti i rapporti con lei.
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take an exam
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fare un esame
pass an exam
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superare un esame
in the Middle Ages / in the medieval period
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nel Medioevo / nel periodo medievale
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the house was not as he expected
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la casa non era come lui si aspettava
broom / broomstick
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