ryzyko i koszt - branie pełnej odpowiedzialności commencer à apprendre
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the business is beint conduct commencer à apprendre
enter into or upon any premises
kept the original decisions of senior judges commencer à apprendre
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naruszenie umowy zanim przestanie obowiązywać commencer à apprendre
wynagrodzenie/świadczenie commencer à apprendre
the parties are relly willing to intend to contract commencer à apprendre
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he sued his employer for ... termination
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wykonywać prace transportowe commencer à apprendre
carry out conveyancing work
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damage in respect of property
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środki do wykorzystania na transakcje objęte niniejszą umową commencer à apprendre
funds to consummate to transactions contemplated by this agreement
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similar type of contracts that have been used before commencer à apprendre
warunki lub postanowienia commencer à apprendre
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ability to enter into a contract commencer à apprendre
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being made to perform services
dokumenty, zapisy lub kreacje commencer à apprendre
documents, records or creations
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offer acceptance intension consideration commencer à apprendre
four main elements of almost every contract are
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umowa pod pieczęcią / aktem prawnym commencer à apprendre
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contract had no legal power is
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promise not to do something in the future commencer à apprendre
made out of people’s own will commencer à apprendre
the essence of what court says commencer à apprendre
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strona naruszajaca podstawienia umowy commencer à apprendre
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the prices ... in Annex 1 commencer à apprendre
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what the parties exchange under the contract; in exchange of something commencer à apprendre
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uprawiony, miec zdolność prawną commencer à apprendre
być zgodnym z czymś, podporządkowywać się czemuś commencer à apprendre
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