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although/even though
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mimo że, chociaż - Even though/Although he doesn't like me, he invited me to his birthday party
in spite of/despite
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pomimo / pomimo (używamy z rzeczownikiem, czasownikiem w formie gerund lub z wyrażeniem the fact that + pełne zdanie) In spite of/Despite the fact that they're divorced, they went on holiday together
due to/ because of
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z powodu / z powodu, (używamy z rzeczownikie, czasownikiem w formie gerund lub z wyrażeniem the fact that + pełne zdanie) the dinner was cold due to/because of their being late we'll have to pospone the meeting until next week
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jednak, Warsaw is a beautiful city. However, a lot of people complain that it's dirty
in order to
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po to, żeby (+ bezokolicznik), I'll have to leave work early in order to pick up my son from school,
so that
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po to, żeby (+ pełne zdanie), We're saving some money so that we can go abroad on holiday this year.
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w przeciwnym wypadku, We'd better hurry. Otherwise, they will leave without us.
what's more
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co więcej, I couldn't sleep becasue they argued all night. What's more, they left a terrible mess
that's why
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dlatego, She wanted to study abroad. That's why she moved to Spain.
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jako że, As/since we have a lot of time before the train leaves, let's grab a cup of coffee

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