Compound nouns 2

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someone who spends all day lost in pleasant thoughts is called...
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a day-dreamer
someone who owns or runs a shop is called...
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a shopkeeper
someone who lies in the sun to get a tan is called...
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a sunbather
someone who looks after a baby while you're out is called...
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a babysitter
someone who exercises with objects of great weight is called...
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a weightlifter
someone who is a member of the fire brigade is called...
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a firefighter
someone who is in charge of the branch of a bank is called...
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a bank manager
someone who is away from home on holiday is called...
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a holidaymaker
She has got a high ______
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we got soaked in a terrific _______
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you have to turn left at the next _________
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Kevin had his ankle when he fell _________
że schodów
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it's very cold so you'd better wear your _______
płaszcz wierzchni
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that child is so polite she obviously had a good __________
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they live in a small house on the ______
obrzeżach miasta
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it's easy to travel in London if you use the _________
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I was really worn out by that walk ______.
pod górę
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owned by somebody else before
z drugiej ręki
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second hand
to be not able to buy something
nie może pozwolić sobie na / nie stać na
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can't afford it
to give somebody the money you borrowed from them
spłacić kogoś
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pay somebody back

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