collocations: pay

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uważać, uważnie słuchać, zwracac uwagę
commencer à apprendre
pay attention
If you don't pay attention now, you'll get it all wrong later. You weren't paying attention to what I was saying. You must pay attention to the teacher.
powiedzieć komplement
commencer à apprendre
pay a compliment
It’s always nice to be paid a compliment. Did you just pay me a compliment? I am trying to pay her a compliment but she misunderstood.
oddać ostatnią posługę, przyjść na pogrzeb
commencer à apprendre
pay last respect
A crowd of mourners gathered to pay their respects to the dead man. At a funeral people pay their last respects to the person who has died
oddawać hołd, oddawać cześć
commencer à apprendre
pay tribute
The minister paid tribute to the men who had fought the blaze. I would like to pay tribute to the tireless work done by our marvelous volunteers.

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