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wypadek się zdarza
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an accident happens
pies szczeka
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a dog barks
serce bije
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a heart beats
śnieg topnieje
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snow melts
słońce świeci
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the sun shines
sweter pasuje
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a sweater fits
drużyna ćwiczy
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a team practices
telefon dzwoni
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the phone rings
czas mija
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time passes
woda się gotuje
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water boils
zespół gra
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a band plays
samochód wpada w poślizg
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a car skids (off the road)
karton mleka przecieka
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a carton of milk leaks
kolor blaknie
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a colour fades
tłum wiwatuje
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a crowd cheers
ogień płonie
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a fire burns
nos krwawi
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a nose bleeds
pacjent wraca do zdrowia
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a patient recovers
samolot ląduje
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a plane lands
statek płynie
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a ship sails

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