Collective action

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Collective action
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A group member acts as a representative of the group and where the action is directed at improving the conditions of the group as a whole (Wright, 2009)
Why do people act together?
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Relative deprivation, Anger, Identity, Efficacy, Moral values
What is it?
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Social Identity Model of Collective Action
Normative Collective action
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Anger + High efficacy
Nonnormative Collective action
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Contempt + Low Efficacy
Anger - collective action
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Action-oriented, linked to feelings of injustice, short term destructive, long term constructive
Contempt - collective action
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"globalist", Linked to perceived low value of other, Can be "cold" or "hot", destructive, Can be "upward"
Participating in collective action affects activists in
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feeling positive self-directed emotions, anger or contempt felt towards outgroup, reacting to successes and failures, identification or disidentification with or from broader groups (normative vs nonnormative actions)
Barriers to collective actions
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Present alternatives (mobility or creativity), Conflict of loyalites

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