cold idioms

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Let the slippping dogs lie
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Don't talk about past arguments
nie mówić o zaszłościach i kłótniach
to get cold feet
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become nervous or afraid of a planned event
Xavier has booked a skydive, but I think he's going to get cold feet and cancel it.
out cold
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sleeping deeply or unconscious
My son was out cold after our long hike. He slept all the way home.
quit cold turkey
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Stop doing a bad habit suddenly and completely
After smoking for 30 years, Sebastian quit cold turkey and never had a cigarette again.
hammer and tongs
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a) if people go at each other hammer and tongs, they fight or argue very loudly; b) if someone does something hammer and tongs, they do it with all their energy
come/go under the hammer
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to be offered for sale at an auction
hammer blow
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(BrE) an event that damages something very seriously
The decision is a hammer blow for the coal industry.

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