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This movie was supposed to be amazing, but it turned out to be really boring.
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cash dispenser / Automatic Teller Machine (ATM)
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I have always had regard for my history teacher.
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stowarzyszenie, skojarzenie commencer à apprendre
Our association is expanding its scope
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He knocked me on my head and I fainted
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The recent film by Woody Allen met a favorable criticism. (Ostatni film Woody'ego Allena zebrał przychylną krytykę.)
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His sense of humor is a real asset.
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I was actually quite close to her, in a spiritual way.
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I suspect that she's lying, but I can't prove it.
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Dogs are not permitted inside the shop. (Nie zezwala się na wprowadzanie psów do sklepu.)
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absolwent, ukończyć studia commencer à apprendre
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You can't drag this dog, if he doesn't want to go, don't force him.
głównie, przede wszystkim commencer à apprendre
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This T-shirt needs washing.
rozkład dnia / jazdy / plan zajęć / grafik commencer à apprendre
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It was a very brief meeting. (To było bardzo krótkie spotkanie.)
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I would like to speak to you regarding your behaviour.
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He decided to remain at home. (On zdecydował, że zostanie w domu.)
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It is a fairly easy topic.
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It is widely known that he isn't an honest person
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natychmiastowy, bezpośredni commencer à apprendre
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When was television invented?
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We were overtaken by a lot of other cars
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Don't misunderstand me. nie zrozum mnie zle
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It is machine washable To sie nadaje do prania w pralce
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The bond between us is unbreakable. (Więź między nami jest niezniszczalna.)
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It is edible plant. It is inedible plant
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It is usable. It is unusable
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The house was invisible behind the hill. (Dom był niewidoczny za wzgórzem.)
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Laptops are more portable than desktop computers.
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He got mugged coming home from work.
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The company knocked down the price by 10%. (Firma obniżyła cenę o 10%.)
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