ciało idiomy

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Wink at someone
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mrugnąć do kogoś
Shake your head
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potrzasnąć głową
Nudge someone
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szturchnąć kogoś aby zwrócić uwagę
Frown at someone
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zmarszczyć brwi
Smirk at someone
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uśmiechnąć się
Raise an eyebrow at
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unieść brwi
Give someone a look
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rzucić spojrzenie
Wave at someone
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machać do kogoś
Nod at someone
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kiwnąć komuś głową
Shrug your shoulders
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wzruszyć ramionami
Drum your fingers
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pstryknąć palcami
Shake hands with someone
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uścisnąć z kimś dłoń
Elbow someone out of the way
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szturchać kogoś żeby zszedł z drogi
Grim at someone
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szeroko się uśmiechnąć
Mouth something at someone
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donieść na kogoś
Keep an eye on smth
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mieć kogoś na oku
Brain drain
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drenaż mózgów
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clever, smart
Pick someone’s brain
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akceptować rady
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burza mózgów
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nagły pomysł
Go out of one’s mind
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stracić nad sobą panowanie
Cast your mind back
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przypominać sobie
Put smth out of one’s mind
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nie myśleć już o czymś
Keep an open mind
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zachowywać otwarty umysł
Put your mind into
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skupić się na czymś
Not in someone’s right mind
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nie myśleć trzeźwo
Be in 2 minds
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nie móc się zdecydować
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See smth in one’s mind’s eye
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widzieć to dobrze
Keep your head above water
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mieć $ tylko na przeżycie
See eye to eye
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zgadzać się z kimś
Do smth to your heart’s constent
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zrobić coś dla przyjemności
Play something by ear
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Put your foot in it
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powiedzieć coś niestosownego
Get out of hand
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wymknąć się spod kontroli
Pay through the nose
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zapłacić o wiele za dużo
Feel your heart sink
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być zrozpaczonym
Bite your tongue
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nie powiedzieć czegoś
Keep your ear to the ground
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uważnie obserwować co się dzieje
Turn your nose up at smth
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zadzierać nosa (odrzucić coś)
Say smth tongue in cheek
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być ironicznym
Banging your head against a brick wall
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bezskutecznie coś próbować
Cast your eye over smth
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rzucić na coś okiem
Not put a foot wrong
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być perfekcyjnym
Give someone a hand
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pomóc komuś
At first hand
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z pierwszej ręki; osobiście
Cost an arm and a leg
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to cost a lot
Fall on deaf ears
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to be ignored
Foot the bill
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zapłacić rachunek/ponieść koszty
Get one’s fingers burnt
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sparzyć się na czymś
Hand in glove
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w ścisłej współpracy(brudne interesy)
Keep one’s head
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to stay calm
Lift a finger
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do smth minimal effort
Put one’s shoulder to the wheel
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work hard on smth
Save one’s skin
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to save smb
Thumb a lift
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złapać stopa
Tooth and nail
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try hard
Try one’s hand at
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to try yourself at something
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mean, not generous
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Hard-headed - practical, without emotions
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Twardy - praktyczny, bez emocji
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likeable to steal
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Keep smb at arm’s length - avoid being very close to smb
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Trzymaj kogoś na dystans – unikaj przebywania z kimś bardzo blisko
Make money Hand over fist
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szybko się dorobić
Put your foot down
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postawić na swoim
have (someone) in the palm of one's hand
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control someone
have hearth in his mouth
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excited or nervous about smth
lose heart
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stracić ducha
have finger in every pie
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involved in many things
grease smb’s palm
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dawać łapówkę
on the brain
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myśleć tylko o czymś
head over heels in love
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zakochany po uszy
got off on the wrong foot
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źle zacząć
have back to the wall
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have serious problem
both feet on the ground
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twardo stąpać po ziemi
kicking my heels
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wasting time waiting
ate his heart out
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zadręczać się
stick your neck out
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changing hands
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zmienić właściciela
give someone piece of your mind
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speak to smb in angry way
run off my feet
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to be busy
jumped out of his skin
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suprised, frightened
turn a blind eye
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up to your eyes
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very busy
butterflies in stomach
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być zakochanym
hands down
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pulling someone’s leg
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wkręcać kogoś
mouth watering
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coś pysznego
shoulder to cry on
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smb willing to listen
blood boil
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very angry
on it’s last legs
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something about to break
take smth to heart
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taking smth very seriously
caught red handed
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złapany na gorącym uczynku
head in the clouds
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glowa w chmurach
stretching your legs
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short walk
gut feelings
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put your back in it
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work very hard at
free hand
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wolna wola
teeth on edge
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smth irritating
bone to pick with smb-talk about something wrong with smb
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kość do dłubania z kimś-rozmawiaj o czymś złym z kimś
pat on the back
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learn by heart
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nauczyć się czegoś
let your hair down
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pull a long face
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zrobić smutną minę
have a sweet tooth
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lubić słodycze
look down his nose
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something is not good enough for you
cold feet
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przestraszyć się czegoś
make head nor tail
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unable to undestand
keeps her head
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remain calm

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