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kiedy uzywamy ON? (3 - czas) commencer à apprendre
dni tygodnia + konkretne daty + czesci dnia on Sunday / on the 25th of December / on Friday morning I have an English lesson
kiedy uzywamy AT? (czas - 4) commencer à apprendre
godzina / cześć dnia bez dnia / święta / puntky w czasie at 7 p.m. / at night / at Easter / at the weekend
kiedy uzywamy IN? (czas - 6) commencer à apprendre
czesci dnia bez dnia / miesiace / pory roku / lata / stulecia / ciagly okres / punkt w czasie w pezyszlosci in the morning / in July / in the summer / in 1994 / in XX century / in three weeks / in a minute
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headphone to wersja bez mikrofonu
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negocjacje, ale takie bardziej o cenę commencer à apprendre
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having a friendly argument about the price
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lavish praise and compliments often insincerity and with the aim of furthering one's own interest
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wspieranie własnego interesu commencer à apprendre
furthering one's own interest
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how to stimulate your imagination
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does it fits in your calendar
płatność domykająca kredyt / zobowiązanie (B2B) commencer à apprendre
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To będzie krótka prezentacja commencer à apprendre
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I would like to highlight few key takeaways
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rzeczy ktore warto pamietac commencer à apprendre
things we need to keep in mind
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adress cashflow situation
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thouse investments will pay off
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trzymać inflacje na wodzy commencer à apprendre
keep inflation under control
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exchange rate od Bitcoin against US Dollar
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technika na prezentacje sandobxa commencer à apprendre
technique for sandobx presentations wyobrazcie sobie ze jestescie startupowcami
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zrelaksowane wakacyjne yyy znak to odwrócone e go to -> gonna, want to -> wanna, umbrela, carrot, circus
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ae, takie that od Soprano A bez uśmiechania, krótki, ale buzia rozwarta apple, man. that man is bad
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hello everybody and welcome please say your name, your role and the organization that you are from
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let's do a round of introductions
ustawianie celu spotkania commencer à apprendre
our goal today is to plan /share
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up zwiekszwjqce (4 przykĺady) commencer à apprendre
picked up, hurry up, sat up, turn up
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put down, turned down, calm down
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CB around the world skill hvq of gold
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seldom belong in the same sentence
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heated debates between proponents
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that figure X by 20t according to
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