chores/pracę domowe

 0    61 fiche    madziaatargonska
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clean the bathroom
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Wyczyść łazienkę
do the ironing
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do the cooking
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do the shopping
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robić zakupy
do the cleaning
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dry the dishes
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wysuszyć naczynia
do the washing
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Zrób pranie
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do the cleaning
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clean the carpet
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wyczyścić dywan
clean the floors
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oczyścić podłogi
clean the windows
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czyszczenie okien
clear up the table
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posprzątaj stół
do household jobs/chores
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wykonywać prace domowe / prace domowe
lie on the bed
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połóż się na łóżku
do the ironing
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do the washing up
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zmywać naczynia
do the washing
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Zrób pranie
draw the curtains
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Zasuń zasłony
dryl the dishes
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wysuszyć naczynia
dust the surfaces
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odkurzyć powierzchnie
empty the dishwasher
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Opróżnij zmywarkę
feedback the cat
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opinia kota
fix sth
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naprawić coś
get home
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dotrzeć do domu
hag the washing
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chwyć pranie
Iron clothes
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Prasować ubrania
leave the house
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opuścić dom
lie on the bed
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połóż się na łóżku
lead the dishwasher
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prowadzić zmywarkę
lock the door
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Zamknij drzwi
mop the floor
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umyj podłogę
share the housework
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dzielić prace domowe
stay in
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zostawać w domu/nadal uczestniczyć w czymś
take the dog for a walk
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Zabierz psa na spacer
take out the rubbish
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wynieś śmieci
hang up the washing
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odłóż pranie
mow the lawn
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skosić trawnik
stay out
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pozostawać poza domem do późna/nie wtrącać się
iron clothes
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prasować ubrania
see sb home
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zobacz kogoś w domu
move in
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wprowadzać się
put away
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Iron clothes
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Prasować ubrania
leave the house
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opuścić dom
lin on the bed
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Lin na łóżku
see sb home
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zobacz kogoś w domu
szereg the housework
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szereg prac domowych
swich on
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take in turns to do sth
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na zmianę coś robić
take out the rubbish
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wynieś śmieci
throw away
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tidy your room
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posprzątaj swój
vacuum the carpet
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wash clothes
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wypierz ubrania
wash the dishes
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zmywać naczynia
make the bed
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słać łóżko
fold the washing
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złożyć pranie
water the plants
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podlej rośliny
load the dishwasher
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Załaduj zmywarkę
change a light bulb
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zmienić żarówkę

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