chores 2

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odkladac na miejsce
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put away
spuscic rolety
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roll down the blinds
odprowadzic kogos do domu
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see sb home
dzuekic sie pracami domowymi
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share the housework
zostac w domu
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stay in
orzebywac poza domem
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stay out
wlaczyc swiatlo
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switch on the light
robic cos na zmiane
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take it in turns to do sth
wynosic śmieci
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take out the rubbish
wyprowadzic psa na spacer
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take the dog for walk
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throw away
posprzatac pokoj
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tidy your room
odkurzyc dywan
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vacuum the carpet
prac ubrania
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wash clothes
myc naczynia
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washing the dishes
podlewac rosliny
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water the plants
oczuscic rynne z liscic
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clear leaves out of the gutter
posprzatac balagan
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clean up the mess
przerobic (strych na sypialnie)
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convert (an attic into a bedroom)
zajmowac sie hydrauliką
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do your own plumbing
wpasc na kogos
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drop in
naprawic antenę
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fix an aerial

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