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fan (loanword); enthusiast for sb or sth
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a man who is tall, wealthy and good looking; ideal guy
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women with a white complexion, who are wealthy and beautiful looking
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Go die! (used when we are annoyed by somebody or something)
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single people who are eager to enter a relationship but find it difficult to achieve the goal
15. 燃烧我的卡路⾥ (ránshāo wǒ de kǎlùlǐ) commencer à apprendre
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someone who can only eat and is good for nothing
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is a genre of Chinese fantasy influenced by Chinese mythology, Taoism, Buddhism, Chinese martial arts, traditional Chinese medicine, Chinese folk religion and other traditional Chinese elements
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24. ⽔墨 (shuǐ mò)/ 墨⽔ (mò shuǐ) commencer à apprendre
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environmental protection; environmentally friendly
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to attach importance to sth; to value
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to economize; to conserve (resources)
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pollution; contamination; Classifiers: 个
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the earth; Classifiers: 个
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temperature; Classifiers: 个
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to bring about; to create; to cause
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ancestors; forefathers; ancestry
34. 告别⽗⺟ (gào bié fù mǔ) – to say goodbye to one’s parent commencer à apprendre
34. 告别 ⽗ ⺟ (gào bié fù mǔ) - to say goodbye to one's parent
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war; conflict; Classifiers: 场
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fighter; soldier; warrior; Classifiers: 个
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camel; (coll.) blockhead; ninny; Classifiers: 峰
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Japanese tea ceremony; sado
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42. 三茶六饭 (sān chá liù fàn) commencer à apprendre
to be extremely considerate towards guests (idiom)
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Tieguanyin tea (a variety of oolong tea)
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a type of green tea grown in the Dongting Mountain
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pregnant; to have conceived; gestation; pregnancy
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beard; mustache or whiskers; facial hair; Classifiers: 撮; (coll.) bandit
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belly; abdomen; stomach; Classifiers: 个
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foot; leg (of an animal or an object); base (of an object); Classifiers:双; classifier for kicks
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hot spot/point of special interest
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documentary (film or TV programme)
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to share (let others have some of sth good)
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to follow (on social media)
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to search (a place); to search (a database etc)
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to recommend; recommendation
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to click (a web page button)
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86. 纯素主义 (chún sù zhǔ yì) commencer à apprendre
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(bird species of China) Eurasian magpie Pica pica)
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99. ⼀⻅钟情 (yī jiàn zhōng qíng) commencer à apprendre
love at first sight (idiom)
100. ⼀举两得 (yī jǔ liǎng dé) commencer à apprendre
one move, two gains (idiom); two birds with one stone
101. 名副其实 (míng fù qí shí) commencer à apprendre
not just in name only, but also in reality (idiom)
102. 胡⾔乱语 (hú yán luàn yǔ) commencer à apprendre
babbling nonsense (idiom)
103. 落叶归根 (luò yè guī gēn) commencer à apprendre
all things go back to their source eventually
104. ⼀⽯⼆⻦ (yī shí èr niǎo) commencer à apprendre
to kill two birds with one stone (idiom)
105. 拔苗助⻓ (bá miáo zhù zhǎng) commencer à apprendre
to spoil things through excessive enthusiasm (idiom)
106. 与众不同 (yǔ zhòng bù tóng) commencer à apprendre
to stand out from the masses (idiom)
107. 破釜沉⾈ (pò fǔ chén zhōu) commencer à apprendre
to cut off one's means of retreat (idiom)
108. 说三道四 (shuō sān dào sì) commencer à apprendre
to make thoughtless remarks (idiom); to criticize; gossip
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110. 孟加拉国 (mèng jiā lā guó) commencer à apprendre
Bangladesh (formerly East Pakistan)
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to dare the greatest danger (idiom)
112. ⻁⼝余⽣ (hǔ kǒu yú shēng) commencer à apprendre
to have a narrow escape (idiom)
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lion dance (traditional Chinese dance form)
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osoba, która, zachowuje się źle po wypiciu alkoholu
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119. 伊斯兰教 (yī sī lán jiào) commencer à apprendre
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124. 东正教 (dōng zhèng jiào) commencer à apprendre
125. 基督新教 (jī dū xīn jiào) commencer à apprendre
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persimmon; Classifiers: 个
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ambulance; Classifiers: 辆
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emergency medical technician
138. ⼉科医⽣ (ér kē yī shēng) commencer à apprendre
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drugstore; chemist; pharmacist
140. 妇科医⽣ (fù kē yī shēng) commencer à apprendre
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142. 呼吸困难 (hū xī kùn nan) commencer à apprendre
143. 你对什么药物过敏?Nǐ duì shénme yàowù guòmǐn? commencer à apprendre
What drugs are you allergic to?
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145. 糖尿病 (táng niào bìng) commencer à apprendre
diabetes; diabetes mellitus
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147. 我⾎压很低/很⾼ Wǒ xiěyā hěn dī/hěn gāo) commencer à apprendre
My blood pressure is very low/high
148. 我体温很低/很⾼ Wǒ tǐwēn hěn dī/hěn gāo) commencer à apprendre
My temperature is very low/high
149. 我受伤了 Wǒ shòushāngle) commencer à apprendre
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151. 我的脚踝肿了 Wǒ de jiǎohuái zhǒngle) commencer à apprendre
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to give or have an injection
160. ⽔灾/洪灾 (shuǐ zāi/hóng zāi) commencer à apprendre
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casualty; victim; those injured and wounded
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fog; mist; Classifiers: 场
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hail; hailstone; Classifiers: 场
165. 天⽓预报 (tiān qì yù bào) commencer à apprendre
166. 寒⻛刺⻣ (hán fēng cì gǔ) commencer à apprendre
bone chilling wind (idiom)
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170. 每家每户 家家户户(měi jiā měi hù jiājiāhùhù) commencer à apprendre
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contribute one's share of a group gift
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zasady (np. układania wiersza), zwyczaje, obyczaje, standardy, ogólne, nie są nigdzie zapisane; raczej kolokwialne słowo
179. 老/中国规矩 (lǎo/zhōngguó guījǔ) commencer à apprendre
stare, chińskie obyczaje, zwyczaje
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standardy (np. techniczne)
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185. 规范管理 (guīfàn guǎnlǐ) commencer à apprendre
zarządzanie wg standardów, zasad
186. 规范操作 (guīfàn cāozuò) commencer à apprendre
operowanie (maszyną) wg standardów, zasad
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zasady, sprecyzowane, spisane
188. 交通规则 (jiāotōng guīzé) commencer à apprendre
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ustalenia, decyzje, zasady (podjęte na podstawie ustaleń), neutralne
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zasady prawne, ustawy, zarządzenia, rozporządzenia
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prawa, ale poza ludzkim zasięgiem
192. 生活规律 (shēnghuó guīlǜ) commencer à apprendre
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prawa naturalne, prawa rządzące naturą
194. 我向大家诚恳道歉(Wǒ xiàng dàjiā chéngkěn dàoqiàn) commencer à apprendre
Chcę wszystkich szczerze przeprosić.
195. 公众人物(gōngzhòng rénwù) commencer à apprendre
196. 补 (补习,补课,补考)(Bǔ (bǔxí, bǔkè, bǔkǎo)) commencer à apprendre
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203. 在意(在乎)(zàiyì, zàihū) commencer à apprendre
dbać o coś; 不在意 nie dbam o to
204. 失落 遗弃 (shīluò, yíqì) commencer à apprendre
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podobne (rzeczy, osoby); 像
206. 带来 危害 (有坏处)(dài lái wéihài (yǒu huàichu) commencer à apprendre
207. 造成 意外 (不好、没预见的事情会发生)(zàochéng yìwài) commencer à apprendre
może doprowadzić do wypadku, mogą zdarzyć się coś nieprzewidzianego
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nie mieć umiaru, popadać w skrajność
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214. 在...帮助下(zài... bāngzhù xià) commencer à apprendre
215. 生活过得很好(shēnghuóguò dé hěn hǎo) commencer à apprendre
prowadzić szczęśliwe życie
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nie mieć innego wyjścia niż
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tak się zdenerwowała, że chciała go zabic
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221. 你想出来,除非雷峰塔倒了!(nǐ xiǎng chūlái, chúfēi léi fēng tǎ dàole!) commencer à apprendre
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