Chicken whisperer

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zdolność / umiejętność
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an ability
She had the ability to explain things clearly. (NiV)
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One child in 5,000 is autistic. (NiV)
być kreatywnym / myśleć niestandardowo
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to think outside the box
to moja supermoc
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it's my superpower
zaklinacz (zwierząt)
a horse whisperer
a chicken whisperer
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a whisperer
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to whisper (NiV)
znęcać się nad kimś (najczęściej w szkole)
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to bully sb
I was bullied a lot at school.
osoba, która się nad kimś znęca (najczęściej w szkole) / dręczyciel
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a bully
Teachers usually know who the bullies are in a class. (NiV)
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to discriminate
to discriminate AGAINST sb
Chickens don't discriminate.
zawieźć kogoś / rozczarować kogoś
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to let sb down
I promise I'll never let you down again. (NiV)
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Chickens have their own quirks.
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Jaka jest różnica między nimi?
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What's the difference between them?
do NOT say: What's the different?
nastawienie, stosunek, stanowisko (do czegoś)
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an attitude TO sb/sth
I don't understand your attitude to her. (NiV)
reagować na coś
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to react TO sth
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a creature
opisać coś
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to describe sth as sth
I would describe my connection with chickens as...
więź (między ludźmy / ludźmi i zwierzętami)
a unique bond
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a bond
wyjątkowa więź
związek (z innym człowiekiem)
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a relationship
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I feel truly safe here. The people are very accepting.
przytulać kogoś/coś
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to hug sb/sth
I love hugging you. (NiV)
do przytulania (np o zwierzęciu lub zabawce)
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He's so huggable! (NiV)

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