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Hola, ¿me pone un café, por favor? commencer à apprendre
Hello, can I have a coffee, please?
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Yes, of course, right now
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Si, una botella de aqua, por favor commencer à apprendre
Yes, an aqua bottle, please
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No, lo siento, solo en verano. Hoy teneomos ensalada mixa, sopa y lentejas commencer à apprendre
No, I'm sorry, only in summer. Today we have mixed salad, soup and lentils
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De pollo. Lleva verduras, fideos y pollo. commencer à apprendre
Of chicken. vegetables, noodles and chicken.
Vale, pues de primero quiero ensalada commencer à apprendre
Ok, so first of all I want a salad
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And second, what do you want?
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Ahora mismo le traigo el aqua commencer à apprendre
Right now I bring you the aqua
Vale, gracias. Y, perdone, ¿ne traeun poco de pan también? commencer à apprendre
Okay thanks. And, excuse me, do you bring a little bread too?
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Perdone, ¿me trae la cuenta, por favor? commencer à apprendre
Excuse me, will you bring me the bill, please?
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How do you take your coffee?
Yo no tomo nunca café. No me gusta. ¿Y tú? commencer à apprendre
I never drink coffee. I do not like. And you?
Yo lo tomo con leche y sin azucar commencer à apprendre
I drink it with milk and without sugar