Chapter 4 - Going shopping - zwroty

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question réponse
niektóre dzieci
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some children
najokropniejsza rzecz
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the most awful thing
najprzyjemniejsza z
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the most nicest of
dużo lepiej
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much better
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the oldest
bardziej kolorowa
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more colorful
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more boring
bardziej niebezpieczna
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more dangerous
najbardziej inteligentna
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the most clever
ze wszystkich
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of all
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włożyć na siebie
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to put on
Czy mogę Ci pomóc?
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Can I help you?
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I am looking for
Jaki nosisz rozmiar?
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What size are you?
A jak ta sukienka?
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How about this dress?
Po ile jest?
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How much is it?
Po ile są?
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How much are they?
najnowsza gra komputerowa
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the newest computer game
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na wyprzedaży
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on sale
Czy płacisz gotówką?
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Do you pay in cash?
Czy płacisz kartą?
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Do you pay by card?
chciałbym kupić
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I would like to buy
Ile to kosztuje?
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How much is it?
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a cashier
noszę buty na nogach
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I wear shoes on my feet
on nosi buty na nogach
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he wears shoes on his feet
chcę Ci pokazać
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I want to show you
Czy mogę to przymierzyć?
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Can I try it on?
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a changing room
te rzeczy są bardzo ładne
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these ones are very nice

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