ce 6&7

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question réponse
jak dostałeś się do aktorstwa
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how did you get into acting
kasa biletowa
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box office
zakradać się na próby
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to sneak in to rehearsals
zafascynowało mnie aktorstwo
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i became fascinated by acting
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zmagać się z czymś
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wrestle with something
I thought what a fantastically interesting job to wrestle with these kinds of problems
uczynić kogoś sławnym
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make somebody famous
the role that first made you famous as a young actor was playing Mozart
co było największym wyzwaniem w graniu części Mozarta
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what was the most challenging thing about playing the part of Mozart
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I was a great lover and admirer of Mozart's music
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most, brydż
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przerzucac most, łączyć, zmniejszać różnicę, zbliżać
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to bridge
it was a tremendous challenge to brige the character || bridge a gap - zmniejszac roznice
świński, nieprzyzwoity
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Mozart was sort of smutty, hysterical child
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to find a way in which two situations or beliefs that are opposed to each other can agree and exist together:
my job was to reconcile that with the fact that he wrote a popular play
dotrzeć do kogoś
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reach out to somebody
to try to communicate with a person or a group of people, usually in order to help or involve them:
you have to reach out to the audience
piękno czegoś
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the beauty of something
the beauty of the theatre is
jak motywujesz się do zrobienia czegoś
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how do you motivate yourself to do sth
nigdy nie zrozumiem tego dobrze
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the never get it right
dążyć do perfekcji
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strive for perfection
you never do, you never can
mieć obsesję na punkcie czegoś
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be obsessed by something
I have been obsessed by acting
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I'm a great connoisseur of acting
legendarne pokolenie
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fabled generation
used to refer to group of people who has been made very famous, especially by having many stories written about it, him, or her:
I was extraordinary lucky to see that fabled generation of actors
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zbliżyć się do zrobienia czegoś
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come close to doing something
zbliżać się / przybliżać się
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to approach
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dawać się zdejmować/spadać
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come off
I sweat a lot so make up comes off and it's sticky
dostać tremę
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get stage fright
actors or performance who have stage fright are nervous because they are about to perform
a first public performance of a play
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first night br./premiere/opening night am.
skrępowany samoświadomy, nieśmiały
nervous or uncomfortable because you are worried about what people think about you or your actions
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pragnąć czegos, tęsknić za
a feeling of wanting sth or sb very much
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feel longing for
I think almost all actors feel tremendous longing for the first night to be over
podziwiac/chylic czola/ czapki z głów!:)
you admire an for achievement
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take your hat off to somebody
great job! I take my hat off to her
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pull forward
actors who are famous have some sort of star quality a pull forwards people
obecność, bytnosc, aparycja
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a quality that makes people notice you, even when you are not speaking
I think he just has an intensity and presence that makes you want to watch him
okazywać dużo emocji
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show a lot of emotions
or Express feelings
we wszystko wkładaj serce
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put an heart into everything
trzymać się czegoś
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stick to something
she doesn't just stuck to the same kind of film
wszechstronna osoba
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versatile person
able to change easily from one activity to another
she is very versatile
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certain to happen and unable to be avoided or prevented
bez mojej wiedzy
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unbeknownst to me
without a particular person knowing
unbeknownst to me, he had rented out the apartment while I was away.
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obiektywny, bezstronny, obojetny, osobny, oddzielny, oderwany
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namacalny, wyczuwalny, wyrazny
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przesuwać granice
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push the limints
przekraczać granice
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push the boundaries
czerwone flagi
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red flags

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