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to make sth bigger or longer commencer à apprendre
zażenowany, zawstydzony, zakłopotany commencer à apprendre
elements, part of a meal/recipe commencer à apprendre
at the bothem, in the end commencer à apprendre
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to arrange to continue agrement that was going to end soon commencer à apprendre
He earns a staggering amount of money commencer à apprendre
uprawniać kogoś do czegoś A lecture entitled to exam. commencer à apprendre
entitle someone to do something
commencer à apprendre
the date printed on a food after which is should not be sold commencer à apprendre
Say or think that someone or sth is responsible for sth bad thad has happend commencer à apprendre
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underestimate, undervalued
przedmiot, rzecz, pozycja commencer à apprendre
If food goes off it is not good to eat because it is too old commencer à apprendre
If a light or machine goes off it stops working commencer à apprendre
mieć miejsce, wydarzyć się According to the police the shooting occurred at about 12.30 a.m. commencer à apprendre
take place, happen, occur
Only a few hundred of animals remain today. commencer à apprendre
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I fed Simons cat while shy was away. commencer à apprendre
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jednorazowe plastikowe opakowanie np. na lody commencer à apprendre
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a short film how to doing sth commencer à apprendre
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to show an emotion that you were trying to hide. Her face was calm but her hands betrayed her nervousness. commencer à apprendre
I hid the money in a vase. commencer à apprendre
He amassed a fortune in a diamond trade. commencer à apprendre
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eloquent, articulate, talkative
He built a successful website related to aviation and model aircraft. commencer à apprendre
We are going to try out that new restaurant tonight. commencer à apprendre
przedsięwzięcie biznesowe commencer à apprendre
What is your current addres? commencer à apprendre
She devotes most of her free time to charity work. commencer à apprendre
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niepewność, brak pewności siebie commencer à apprendre
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There is live coverage in TV. commencer à apprendre
The baby develops inside the mother for nine months. commencer à apprendre
Training to be a doktor requires a lot of hard work. commencer à apprendre
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płaca minimalna - wynagrodzenie commencer à apprendre
uprawniać kogoś do zrobienia czegoś commencer à apprendre
entitle someone to do something
commencer à apprendre
to change what you think about sth or what plan to do commencer à apprendre
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wykorzystać ponownie / ponowne wykorzystanie commencer à apprendre
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He took off in the middle of the night. commencer à apprendre
her carrer had just taken off. commencer à apprendre
być świadkiem przestępstwa Did anyone witness the attack? commencer à apprendre
To his amazement they offerd him the job. commencer à apprendre
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