CAL 2; 6th Oct #1

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question réponse
Cześć, co słychać?
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Hello, how are you?
W porządku, a u ciebie?
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I'm well, and you?
I'm fine, and you?
Mam 30 lat.
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I'm thirty.
I'm thirty years old.
Moja córka ma 13 lat.
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My daughter is thirteen.
My daughter is thirteen years old.
Czy ty masz 40 lat?
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Are you forty?
Are you forty years old?
Gdzie mieszkasz?
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Where do you live?
Mieszkam w Suwałkach.
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I live in Suwałki.
Gdzie ona mieszka?
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Where does she live?
Ona mieszka w Niemczech.
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She lives in Germany.
Czy ty pracujesz online?
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Do you work online?
Tak, pracuje online.
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Yes, I work online.
Yes, I do.
Czy twój syn pracuje online?
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Does your son work online?
Nie mój syn nie pracuje online.
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No, my son doesn't work online.
No, he doesn't.
Budzę się o wpół do szóstej.
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I wake up at half past five.
Wstaję o szóstej.
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I get up at six.
Justyna budzi się o wpół do szóstej.
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Justyna wakes up at half past five.
Danka nie budzi się o wpół do szóstej.
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Danka doesn't wake up at half past five.
Chodzę spać o dziesiątej.
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I go to sleep at ten.
do not say: go sleep
jeździć na rowerze.
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to ride a bike
Czy lubisz jeździć na rowerze?
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Do you like riding a bike?
Justyna nie lubi jeździć na rowerze.
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Justyna doesn't like riding a bike.
grać w szachy
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to play chess
Ona lubi szachy.
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She likes chess.
Danka lubi gry planszowe.
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Danka likes board games.
Chcę poprawić mój angielski.
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I want to improve my English.
Chcę biegle mówić po angielsku.
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I want to speak English fluently.
I want to be fluent in English.
Pozwól, że pomyślę.
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Let me think.
powtarzać słownictwo
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to revise vocabulary
Danka i Justyna powtarzają słownictwo codziennie.
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Danka and Justyna revise vocabulary every day.
Jak to powiedzieć po angielsku?
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How to say it in English?
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a hamster
Danka ma chomika.
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Danka has a hamster.
Justyna nie ma chomika, ona ma psa.
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Justyna doesn't have a hamster, she has a dog.
oczywiście / wyraźnie
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to pretend
Przestań udawać.
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Stop pretending.
stop + verb-ing
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pewny siebie
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to jest kwestia czasu
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it's a matter of time
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