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małpa (w adresie mailowym) commencer à apprendre
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tak szybko, jak to możliwe commencer à apprendre
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We stood in a queue for half an hour.
Czym się zajmujesz zawodowo? commencer à apprendre
What do you do (for a living)?
Czym ona zajmuje się zawodowo? commencer à apprendre
What does she do (for a living)?
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do not say: send sth FOR sb
Wczoraj wysłałam maila do mojego szefa. commencer à apprendre
Yesterday I sent an email to my boss.
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How much do you earn? / How much do you make?
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How much do you earn per year/a year?
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do not say: M like Mark
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do not say: U like Ukraine
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do not say: H like Hannah
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O której wróciłaś do domu? commencer à apprendre
What time did you come back home?
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upper case / upper case letter Most schools teach children lower case letters first, and upper case letters later.
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lower case / lower case letters Your password should consist of a combination of numbers and letters (using both uppercase and lowercase).
zapisać coś (na klawiaturze) wielkimi literami commencer à apprendre
to type sth in upper case (letters)
zapisać coś (klawiaturze) małymi literami commencer à apprendre
to type sth in lower case (letters)
Czy może Pan przeliterować swoje nazwisko? commencer à apprendre
Can you spell your surname, please?
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Czy mogę rozmawiać z Markiem? commencer à apprendre
May I speak to Mark, please?
Czy może Pani powtórzyć trzy ostatnie litery? commencer à apprendre
Can you please repeat the last three letters?