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ilość pracy do wykonania
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I'd like to take on a heavy workload.
wykorzystać coś w odpowiedniej sytuacji
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take advantage of something
I took advantage of my boss's absence to catch up with some correspondence.
to be offended or made angry by something or someone
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take exception to something/someone
Why did you take exception to what he said? He was only joking.
to deal with a problem or difficulty calmly and not to allow it to influence what you are doing
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take something in your stride
to buy or get something quickly and enthusiastically because it is cheap or exactly what you want
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to snap something up
The tickets for the concert were snapped up within three hours of going on sale.
An experience, which is or will be of great use
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stand someone in good stead
Getting some work experience now will stand you in good stead.

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