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przymusić, to make somebody do something by force or threat
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zgodny, spójny, logically, intelligible consistent
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samozadowolenie, self- satisfied ignorance of danger
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powiernik, a person entrusted with secrets
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spiskować, knuć, to plot, schame
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kumulacyjny, increasing, building upon itself
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poniżyć, to lower the quality or esteem of something
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potępiać, oczerniać, to criticize openly
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pełen szacunku, showing respect for another's authority, respectful
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przesadnie skromny, quiet, modest, reserved, shy
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szydzić, drwić, to laugh at mockingly, scorn(gardzić)
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despota, one who has total power and rules brutally
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pracowity, pilny, showing care in doing one's work, urgent
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podniecony, overjoyed, thrilled, excited
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wymowny, expressive, articulate, moving
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zdefraudować, sprzeniewierzyć, to steal money by falsifying records
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empatia, sensivity to another's feelings as if they were one's own
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wrogość, nieprzyjaźń, ill will(niechęć), hatred, hostility
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wychwalać, to praise, revere
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zmyślać, to make up, invent
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oszołomiony, zdumiony, astounded
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opuszczać, zaniechać, to give up, renounce(odstąpić, zrzec się)
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krnąbrny, kłótliwy, troublesome or irritable
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ukradkowy, tajemny, secretive, sly (cwany)
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łakomstwo, obżarstwo, overindulgence in food or drink
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darmowy, nieuzasadniony, uncalled for, unwarranted
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pyszny, wyniosły, disdainfully, proud
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obłuda, pretending to believe what one does not
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bez zarzutu, grzechu, skazy, exemplary, flawless
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bezczelny, zuchwały, rude, insolent
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nieubłagany, incapable of being appeased or mitigated
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bezczelny, zuchwaly, casually rude, insolent, impertinent
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zjadliwy, ostry, cięty, bezpośredni, clear, sharp, direct
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niemrawy, leniwy, opieszały, lazy
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niedorzeczny, nieudany, not suitable or capable, unqualified
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hańba, niesława, notoriety, extreme ill repute
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hamować, powstrzymywać, utrudniać, to prevent, restrain, stop
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wrodzony, inborn, native, inherent
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nienasycony, incapable of being satisfied
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ograniczony umysłowo, odizolowany, separated and narrow-minded, tight-knit, closed off
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nieustraszony, brave in the face of danger
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nałogowy, stubbornly established by habit
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uradowany, extremely joyful, happy